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刘利平 教授 |
刘利平,男,教授,理学博士,博士生导师,籍贯湖南宁乡。1999年毕业于湖南农业大学淡水渔业专业;2002年毕业于上海水产大学水产养殖专业;2005年毕业于中科院海洋所,获博士学位。同年在上海海洋大学工作至今。2006年7月赴澳大利亚Deakin University访问;2007-2008年间在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校作访问学者,期间在美国哈佛大学医学院Dana-Farber癌症研究所进行短期研修。作为会议召集人,主办中国-东盟水产教育院长论坛暨水产高等院所研究生学术研讨会(2018.06),以及第十二届亚洲水产学会分论坛(2019.04)。
主持多项国际国内项目,国际科教合作密切。在国内外杂志发表论文80余篇,获专利授权10余项。为Nature Ecology and Evolution, Aquaculture,Aquaculture Research,Journal of Agricultural Science, Journal of Hazards Materials,Environmental Pollution,水产学报等国内外十余家杂志审稿。
为中国水产学会资深会员、世界水产学会会员(2009- ),第十三届亚洲水产学会理事(2019- ),国家鳗鲡产业科技创新联盟副理事长(2018- ),Frontiers in Marine Science副主编(2016- ),世界水产学会亚太地区执行咨询委员会委员(2014-2016)。入选2008年度“上海市青年科技启明星”。2010年获“上海海洋大学优秀青年教师”, 2011年入选上海海洋大学“海燕”人才计划,2014年获“上海海洋大学汉宝奖学金优秀教师”奖,2018年获“渔经奖教金”奖励。
承担本科课程主要包括《鱼类增养殖学》、《专业外语》、《动物学实验》和生产实习等;承担研究生课程主要包括《水产养殖与渔业生态学》、《科技外语》,博士生《水产养殖前沿》以及留学生课程《Fish Reproduction and Culture》。
1) 主持国家自然基金面上项目(2021-2024)。
2) 主持上海市农委重点攻关项目(2020-2022)。
3) 主持美国国际发展署(USAID)协作研究资助项目水产项目AquaFish CRSP “Improving Sustainability and Reducing Environmental Impacts of Aquacultural Systems in China, and South and Southeast Asia”。
4) 主持美国国际发展署(USAID)协作研究资助项目水产项目AquaFish CRSP “Improved cages for fish culture commercialization in deep water lakes”。
5) 主持国家自然科学青年基金“铜绿微囊藻对虾类致死效应的细胞免疫毒理作用”。
6) 主持欧盟委员会第七框架大型国际合作项目“Sustaining Ethic Aquaculture Trade”。
7) 主持上海市科委攻关项目“鳗鲡新品种的开发鳗鲡新品种及其规模化养殖关键技术的开发与示范”。
8) 主持上海市科委西部项目“贵州深水水库新型环保网箱养殖的关键技术集成与创新”。
9) 主持上海市科委青年科技启明星计划(A类)“微囊藻毒素在凡纳滨对虾体内的生物累积与慢性毒理作用”。
10) 主持美国国际发展署(USAID) AquaFish CRSP “Aquatic Resource Use and Conservation for Sustainable Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries in Mali”。
11) 参与蓝色粮仓项目“池塘精准化养殖技术及品质提升模式”。(2019-2022)
12) 参与亚洲合作资金项目“澜湄国家稻渔种养技术合作及水产养殖减贫”。(2021-2023)
13) 参与上海市农委科技兴农项目“构建池塘养殖小区绿色生产技术及模式研究”。(2018-2021)
14) 参与上海市科委农业科技攻关项目“长江河口洄游性鱼类保育与利用研究”。
15) 参与上海市农委重点攻关项目“鳗鲡人工繁殖关键技术的研究”。
16) 参与科技部“中国-东盟海水养殖技术联合研究与推广中心”国际合作项目。
17) 参与上海市科委国际会议项目“第九届亚洲渔业与水产养殖论坛”。
1) 刘利平,李慷,闫莉。水产动物体内土腥味物质的来源、检测及其防控与去除的研究进展。水产学报,2021,DOI: 10.11964/jfc. 20200612298
2) 张凯, 刘利平, 陈桃英, 梁勤朗, 吴宗文, 邓棚文, 湛嘉。罗非鱼不同养殖系统对产出效果及异味物质含量的影响,中国水产科学,2018,25(1):108-115
3) 周梦海,李慷,张文博,俞雪钧,湛嘉,吴宗文,刘利平。不同养殖模式下罗非鱼养殖水体异味物质的含量及其变化。上海海洋大学学报,2016,25(4):528-533
4) 黎原谷,李慷,刘利平。人工繁殖条件下日本鳗鲡鱼卵营养成分分析及评价,上海海洋大学学报,2019,28(2):190-199
5) 唐肖峰,刘利平,帅滇,张利娜。碳源对花鳗鲡养殖系统水质及生产性能的影响。大连海洋大学学报,2019,34(1):1-10
6) 刘利平,刘登攀,蒲金成,等,2017。日本鳗鲡仔鱼的开口饵料和行为特征。水产学报,41(5):703-710
7) 王婷,刘利平,张利娜,林静,王倩,帅滇。鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)性腺发育和饥饿胁迫下生物学指标及体内蛋白质与氨基酸含量变化。海洋与湖沼,2015,46(6):1-7
8) 林静,湛嘉,帅滇,王婷,王倩,王磊,俞雪钧,刘利平。人工诱导花鳗鲡成熟过程中卵巢内6 种性类固醇激素的含量及变化。水产学报,2015,39(9):1341-1349
9) 王磊,李响,柳峰松,刘利平。不同激素对雌性花鳗鲡性体指数和发育过程中*****基因(GtHα,FSHβ,LHβ)表达的影响。水产学报,2015,39(5):609-617
10) 王倩,刘利平,陈文银,吴嘉敏海水中Na+、K+浓度及比例对鳗鲡早期发育的影响。上海海洋大学学报,2015,24(6):834-840
11) Kui Wang, Kang Li, Liping Liu∗, Cristina Tanase, Rainier Mols, Michiel van der Meer. Effects of light intensity and photoperiod on the growth and stress response of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in a recirculating aquaculture system. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2020, article in press.
12) Kang Li, Liping Liu, Jia Zhan, Marie‐Louise Scippo, Anders Dalsgaard. Evaluation of antimicrobial products used in tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) and whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture. Aquaculture Research, 2019, 1–9.
13) Kang Li, Liping Liu, Jia Zhan, Marie-Louise Scippo, Kristian Hvidtfeldt, Yuan Liu, Anders Dalsgaard. Sources and fate of antimicrobials in integrated fish-pig and non-integrated tilapia farms. Science of the Total Environment 595 (2017) 393–399
14) Kang Li, Gitte Petersen, Lisa Barco, Kristian Hvidtfeldt, Liping Liu, Anders Dalsgaard. Salmonella Weltevreden in integrated and non-integrated tilapia aquaculture systems in Guangdong, China. Food Microbiology 65 (2017) 19-24
15) Kang Li, Liping Liu, Jesper Hedegaard Clausen, Maixin Lu, Anders Dalsgaard. Management measures to control diseases reported by tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) and whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farmers in Guangdong, China. Aquaculture,2016, 457: 91-99
16) Liping Liu, Xiao-Ming Su, Tao-Ying Chen, Kang Li, Jia Zhan, Hillary Egna & James Diana. Evidence of rapid transfer and bioaccumulation of Microcystin-LR poses potential risk to freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii(de Man),Aquaculture Research, 2015, 1–10. doi:10.1111/are.12759
17) Wenbo Zhang, Francis Murray, Liping Liu, Dave Little. A comparative analysis of four internationally traded farmed seafood commodities in China: Domestic and international markets as key drivers. Reviews in Aquaculture,2015, DOI: 10.1111/raq.12110
18) Patrik John Gustav Henriksson, Andreu Rico, Wenbo Zhang, Sk Ahmad-Al-Nahid, Richard Newton, Lam T Phan, Zongfeng Zhang, Jintana Jaithiang, Hai M Dao, Tran Minh Phu, Francis J Murray, Kriengkrai Satapornvanit, Liping Liu et al. Comparison of Asian Aquaculture Products by Use of Statistically Supported Life Cycle Assessment Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49, 14176-14183
19) Liping Liu, Zhenxiong Hu, Xilin Dai, Yoram Avnimelech. Effects of addition of maize starch on the yield, water quality and formation of bioflocs in an integrated shrimp culture system. Aquaculture: 2014, 418–419: 79–86
20) Andrews Apraku, Liping Liu, Christian Larbi Ayisi. Trends and status of dietary coconut oil in aquaculture feeds. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. 2017,25(2):126-132
21) Li K, Clausen JH, Murrell KD, Liping Liu and Dalsgaard A. Risks for fish-borne zoonotic trematodes in Tilapia production systems in Guangdong province, China. Veterinary Parasitology 2013,198: 223– 229.
1) 刘利平,张凯,吴宗文,梁勤朗,邓棚文。一种降低罗非鱼异味的养殖方法。发明专利,专利号:ZL 201710186773.7
2) 李慷,刘利平。一种池塘养殖集排污装置及其养殖池塘。实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201820436784.6
3) 李慷,刘利平,石文智。一种封闭式池塘循环流水养殖系统。实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201820436785.0
4) 刘利平,刘登攀,张文博,吴嘉敏。一种渔光互补水面循环流水养殖系统。实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201720311967.0
5) 刘利平,王倩,帅滇,吴嘉敏。一种鳗鲡受精卵孵化和初孵仔鱼培育的单体装置。发明专利,专利号:201510044145.6。
6) 刘利平,王倩,帅滇,吴嘉敏。一种鳗鲡受精卵孵化和仔鱼培育的循环水养殖系统及其使用方法。发明专利,专利:201510044153.0
7) 刘利平,王倩,帅滇,吴嘉敏。一种河鳗受精卵和初孵仔鱼培育的单体装置。实用新型,专利号:ZL 201520061036.0。授权日期:2015年8月26日。
8) 刘利平,王倩,帅滇,吴嘉敏。一种鳗鲡初孵仔鱼的单体养殖装置。实用新型,专利号:ZL 201520061001.7。授权日期:2015年8月26日。
9) 林静,刘利平,湛嘉。一种离体鱼类性腺内类固醇类性激素的检测方法。发明专利,专利号:201410255297.6。授权日期:2016 年3 月30 日。
10) 刘利平,胡振雄。一种将生物絮凝技术与多营养级综合养殖模式相结合的南美白对虾养殖方法。发明专利,专利号ZL201310091987.8
11) 刘利平,袁立强。一种鱼类人工繁殖亲本控制网。专利号:ZL 2010 2 0182441.5。
12) 相建海,刘利平,蔡难儿,李富花,董波。一种玻璃海鞘的全人工养殖方法及简易型连续投饵装置。发明专利,专利号 200410050215.0
13) 刘汉元,吴宗文,刘利平,杨毅等。生态环保水产品养殖网箱。专利号:CN201533539
1) 承办第一届上海海洋大学-泰国渔业司可持续水产养殖与水产品加工联合研讨会“Joint Symposium on Sustainable Aquaculture and Aquatic products processing between Thai Department of Fisheries and Shanghai Ocean University”(2019.09)。
2) 承办亚洲水产学会中国-东盟海水养殖技术联合研究与推广中心分会(2019.04)。
3) 主办中国-东盟水产教育院长论坛暨水产高等院所研究生学术研讨会(2018.06)。
4) Liu Liping, Zhang Kai, Li Kang, Zhou Menghai, Zhan Jia,Liang Qinlang, Wu Zongwen. Reducing off-flavour compounds geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol in tilapia through different cultivation technologies. Feb 19-22th, 2018, Aquaculture America, USA.
5) Liu Liping. Advances and prospects of two emerging technologies in China: Aquaculture and Photovoltaic Integration,In-Pond Raceway Aquaculture. 2017 AquaFish Innovation Lab Asia Regional Meeting. February 28-March 4th, 2017, Nepal.
6) Liu Liping, Wang Ting, Wang Qian, Lin Jing, Wu Jiamin. Mobilization and transfer of body nutrients during artificially induced maturation of the female Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). 14th International Meeting on Reproductive Biology of Aquatic Animals of the East China Sea in Busan, Korea. 31st August- 2nd September, 2017
7) Liping Liu, Andrews Apraku, Xiangjun Leng, Emmanuel J. Rupia, Christian Larbi Ayisi. Performance evaluation of blended virgin coconut oil on growth, feed utilization, body composition, body fatty acids, plasma metabolites of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and resistance to Streptococcus iniae challenge. 11th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture, 2016,April 25- 30, Surabaya, Indonesia
8) Liping Liu, Wenbo Zhang. How Changes in Seafood Supply and Demand in China will Impact Aquaculture in Asia and the Rest of the World. 2016 MINI-SUMMIT on Food Safety, Policy and Sustainability. Oct 23-25, Shanghai, China
9) Liu Liping, Hu Zhenxiong. Effects of addition of maize starch on the yield, water quality and formation of bioflocs in an integrated shrimp culture system. 2015 International Symposium on Modern Aquaculture, Nov 24-27, Wuxi.
10) Liu Liping,Wu Jiamin. The mobilization and transfer of body nutrients during artificially induced maturation of the female Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica)。2015 Annual Meeting of the East Asia Eel Resource Consortium, August 2015, Shanghai.
11) Liu Liping, Tang Xiaofeng. The effect of integrated culture system on production and nutrient recovery in marbled eel Anguilla marmorata tanks. 2015 Annual Meeting of the East Asia Eel Resource Consortium, August 2015, Shanghai.
12) LIN Jing, ZHAN Jia, WU Jia-min, LIU Liping. Determination and comparison of content levels of 7 gonadal steroid hormones of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) at different maturation status by ultra performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. 2015 Annual Meeting of the East Asia Eel Resource Consortium, August 2015, Shanghai.
13) Liu Liping, Zhou Menghai, Li Kang, Zhang Wenbo, Zhan Jia, Wu Zongwen, David C. Little. Abundance and Temporal Distribution of Off-flavour Substances Geosmin and 2-Methylisoborneol in Different Tilapia Culture Systems in South China. Aquaculture 2015, August 23-28, Montpelier, France
14) Liu Liping, Zhang Wenbo, Francis Murray, David Little and Peter Edwards. Recent Trends and Future Prospects in Production and International Trade of Chinese Farmed Seafood. World Aquaculture Society, America 2014, Feb 9-12 Seattle, U.S.A.
15) Liu Liping, Su Xiaoming. Improved performance of determination of Microcystin-LR in prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) by UPLC-MS-MS method. 10th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum. May 2013, Yeosu, Korea.
16) Liu Liping, Hu Zhenxiong. Effects of addition of maize starch on production, water quality, formation of bioflocs in the IMTA system of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), spotted scat(Scatophagus argus) and water spinach(Ipomoea aquatic). World Aquaculture Society, Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2013. Dec 2013, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
17) Liu Liping, Yuan Derun. Dinner speech: Regional meeting for AquaFish Innovation Lab. Phen Phnom Penh, Cambodia. How Changes in Seafood Supply and Demand in China will Impact Aquaculture in Asia and the Rest of the World? Dec, 2013. AquaFish CRSP annual meeting, dinner speech. Phen Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
18) Kang Li, Liping Liu, Jesper Hedegaard Clausen, Maixin Lu, Jie Huang and Anders Dalsgaard.Diseases and treatment reported by shrimp and tilapia farmers in Guangdong Province, China. World Aquaculture Society, Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2013. Dec 2013, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
19) Liu Liping, Zhang Wenbo, Francis Murray, David Little, Peter Edwards. Recent trends in Chinese farmed seafood production and international trade and future prospects. 1st Korea, China and Japan Joint Symposium on Aquaculture. May 2013, Yeosu, Korea.
20) Liu Liping, Zhang Wenbo, Douglas Waley, Francis Murray, David Little. Why Chinese tilapia is losing big profits, a framework to resolve off-flavor problem. 9th Chinese Tilapia Forum. Nov, 2012, Hai Kou, China.
21) LIU Liping, Yan Jun, Keith Hayse-Gregson, James S. DIANA, WANG Weimin, SONG Biyu, WU Zongwen. Impacts of integrated cage culture system on Water Quality in Deep Water Lakes. Aquaculture 2012, Praque, Czech Republic.
22) Kang Li, Darwin Murrel, Jesper Hedegaard Clausen, Anders Dalsgaard, Liping Liu. PREVLENCE AND DIVERSITY OF FISH-BORN ZOONOTIC TREMATODES IN GUANGDONG, CHINA. Aquaculture 2012, Praque, Czech Republic.
23) Wang Wu, Cheng Yongxu, Ma Xuzhou, Li Yingsen, Liu Liping. Up-to-date Progress on New Rice-X System Based on Rice-Fish Culture System in China. 9th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum,Shanghai,2011,4.23
24) Wenbo Zhang, Francis J. Murray, Liping Liu and David C. Little. Development Trends and Sustainability Constraints for Four Export-Orientated Farmed Seafood Commodities in China. 9th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum,Shanghai, 2011,4.21
25) Liu Liping, Zhang Wenbo, Francis Murrary, David Little. STATUS AND SUSTAINABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE TILAPIA AQUACULTURE IN CHINA. 9th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum,Shanghai. 2011,4.22
26) Yue Yaling, Liu Liping. Effects of Microcystis aeruginosa on survival of juvenile crayfish and on immune response of adult crayfish( Procambarus clarkii). World Aquaculture 2011,4.21
27) Yue Yaling, Li Kang, Jiang Tianbao, Li Yan, Zhao Guangxue, Su Xiaoming, Liu Liping,2010. Effects of Microcystis aeruginosa on survival of juvenile crayfish and immune response of adult crayfish Procambarus clarkia. 第七届世界华人虾蟹类养殖研讨会
28) Liu Liping, Zhang Wenbo, Liu Huanan, Francis Murrary, David Little. STATUS AND SUSTAINABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE SHRIMP AND PRAWN AQUACULTURE IN CHINA. Qingdao, China, Seventh International Crustacean Congress,June 20~25, 2010(oral presentation)
29) LIU Liping, LI Kang, CHEN Taoying, YANG Yi, James S. DIANA. Effects of the Microcystis aeruginosa on the Life history of water flea (Daphnia magna), 2010,AQUACULTURE 2010, San Diego, USA(oral presentation).
31) Liping Liu, Taoying Chen. Microcystins in aquaculture systems-their endangerment and research progress in detection and elimination methods. 8th World Aquaculture Forum, Busan, Korea May 17-23, 2008(oral presentation).
1) 刘利平,李慷,2019。时间的螺旋—贝壳里的人类史(译著)。广西:广西师范大学出版社。
2) 陈再忠, 刘利平, 2002. 贝壳的自然史(译著). 上海: 上海科技教育出版社(原著为普林斯顿大学出版社 出版)。
3) LIU Liping, Kevin Fitzsimmons. Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. ISBN 978-1-888807-19-6. Shanghai, China 21-24 April 2011(主编)
4) 刘利平,编委,《池塘养鱼学》(第二版),中国农业出版社,2020。
[2]2016年获美国国际发展署AquaFish Innovation Lab认可状“Certificate of Recognition”。
[8]2006年 “瓦氏黄颡鱼养殖技术与产业化研究”项目获得安徽省科技进步奖二等奖,为第五完成人;
[9]2006年 “江黄颡鱼的生物学与养殖技术研究”项目获上海水产大学科研成果二等奖,为第五完成人;
E-mail: lp-liu@shou.edu.cn
Dr. LIU Liping
Professor, Director of Department of Aquatic Technology and Engineering
Councilor, Asian Fisheries Society
College of Fisheries and Life Science
Shanghai Ocean University
No.999 Huchenghuan Road, Lingang City, Shanghai,China
Tel.: 0086-21-61900411
Email: lp-liu@shou.edu.cn
Institution: Shanghai Ocean University, China
Date From/To: July 2005- present
Serving as Lecturer(2005-2006), Associate Professor(2007-2018), and Professor(2018- )
Institution: University of California, San Diego, USA
Date From/To: September 2007-March 2008
Visiting Scholar
Institution: Medical School, Harvard University, USA
Institution: English Language Institute, Deakin University
Date From/To: July -August 2006
Visiting Scholar
Institution: Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Date From/To: September 2002-July 2005
Degree/Diploma: Doctoral of Science(Marine Biology)
Institution: Shanghai Fisheries University
Date From/To: September 1999-July 2002
Degree/Diploma: Master of Agriculture(Aquaculture)
Institution: Hunan Agricultural University
Date From/To: September 1995-July 1999
Degree/Diploma: Bachelor of Agriculture(Freshwater Fisheries)
Working Experiences:
Host Country PI(2009-2013) from Shanghai Ocean University, project title “Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade” (SEAT). SEAT is funded by EU and managed by University of Stirling, with 14 partner institutions including FAO, WWF, World Fish Center etc. We mainly focus on life cycle analysis, ecological modelling, and best management practices of tilapia and white shrimp in China.
PI(2011-2014), National Natural Science Foudation titled “Cellular Toxic impact of Microcystis aeruginosa on shrimps”.
PI (2007-2010, 2013-2016), project title “Enhancement and conservation of the migratory fishes in the estuary of Yangtze River” funded by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and Shanghai Agricultural Commission. We mainly focus on the eel reproduction, conservation and enhancement.
Host Country PI(Lead, 2009-2011), Aquafish Collaborative Research Support Program(Aquafish CRSP) with project title “Improving sustainability and reducing environmental impacts of aquaculture systems in China, and South and Southeast Asia”. Our section of Aquafish CRSP is funded by USAID and administrated by Oregon State University with 7 partner institutions from Vietnam, Bangladesh, Thailand and China. Our major work focuses on microcystin contamination in different water bodies especially in ponds for channel catfish and tilapia aquaculture.
PI (2007-2010), project title “Enhancement and conservation of the migratory fishes in the estuary of Yangtze River” funded by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. We mainly focus on the eel reproduction, conservation and enhancement.
PI (2007-2010), Aquafish Collaborative Research Support Program(Aquafish CRSP) with project title “Promoting Sustainable Rice-Fish Culture in Irrigated Systems (‘Rice-Fish’)”. We developed rice fish demonstration systems in Mali Africa and trained local farmers and govermental officials, by which we improved the income of participants and brought more self-employment opportunity to women.
Membership of Professional Bodies:
Asian Fishery Society-Councilor
American Fisheries Society-Member
China Society of Fisheries- Senior Member
World Aquaculture Society-Member
Executive Advisory Council Member of World Aquaculture Society, Asian Pacific Charpter
Research Interests
Sustainable and environmentally friendly aquaculture, Fish Reproductive biology
Professional skills
Water quality analysis, microcystins analysis, cage culture, scientific research methods such as flow cytometry, histological dissection and staining, laser confocal scanning microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, microinjection, artificial propagation of freshwater animals, including grass carp, silver carp, blackhead, Chinese mitten crab; familiar with artificial propagation of some ornamental fish(gold fish), scallop, clams, white-leg shrimp etc
Developmental biology, General aquaculture, Global aquaculture (Bilingual), Fish Reproduction and Culture.
[1]2002, Excellent paper in Shanghai Fisheries Society, Second Prize;
[2] 2006, Prize for Progress in Science and Technology in Anhui Province, Second Prize.
[3] 2006, Excellent paper in Shanghai Fisheries Society, Third Prize.
[4] 2008, Prize for Progress in Science and Technology in Huainan City, Second Prize.
[5] 2010, Excellent Young Staff of Shanghai Ocean University.