吴旭干 教授


吴旭干,教授,博导,农业农村部鱼类营养和环境生态研究中心执行主任,上海市教委河蟹良种创制与绿色养殖协同创新团队负责人,先后入选上海市首届晨光学者”(2007)曙光学者”(2017)上海市人才发展基金”(2018)黄河三角洲领军人才”(2021)本人研究方向为甲壳动物营养生理和品质育种,现任中国水产学会水产动物营养与饲料专业委员会、中国动物学会甲壳动物学分会、动物比较内分泌学会和上海市动物学会理事等,兼任Aquaculture international副主编和Crustaceana编委等。作为主要完成人先后获得国家海洋局海洋创新成果二等奖(2008年)、上海市科技进步一等奖2次(2009年和2016年)和中国水产学会范蠡科学技术奖二等奖(2020)等学术奖励。

先后主持国家自然科学基金项目5项、外交部亚合资金项目2项、农业农村部中泰农业合作项目1项和省部级科研项目20多项,已发表论文200多篇(其中SCI论文100多篇),包括AquacultureFood ChemistryWater ResearchQ1杂志论文40多篇。作为第一发明人获得授权发明专利10项,其中7项已经转让或转化,获得成果转让费265万元,成果推广后取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。

本人主要研究兴趣为:(1)蟹类营养生理及功能性饲料开发;(2)河蟹遗传育种和苗种繁殖技术;(3)虾蟹生态养殖和稻渔共生。本团队与英国爱丁堡大学Nick Wade博士、澳大利亚墨尔本大学Giovanni教授、Deakin大学Dave教授、以色列Negev Ben Gurion大学Amir Sagi教授和柬埔寨农林部水产养殖研究中心等课题组具有较多科研合作双方联合培养研究生和定期互访等,培养国际化视野的人才。



ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2968-8649


一、 教育背景

  • 2008/03  2011/09,澳大利亚James Cook University,水产养殖专业博士研究生, 研究方向: 甲壳动物营养与生理;

  •  2017/08  2017/11,加拿大University of Alberta全英语教学和动物营养生理研究方向,进修;

  • 2007/09 – 2010/07,上海海洋大学,水产养殖专业博士研究生, 研究方向: 甲壳动物营养繁殖学;

  • 2001/09 – 2004/07,上海水产大学,水产养殖专业硕士研究生, 研究方向:甲壳亲本繁殖与繁殖技术;

  •  1997/09 – 2001/07,上海水产大学,水产养殖专业本科生。


二、 工作经历

  •  2017/01-至今,上海海洋大学水产与生命学院教授,承担《水产动物营养与饲料学》和《甲壳动物增养殖学》等课程的教学,主要从事河蟹营养生理和遗传育种的科研工作;

  • 2021/07-2023/06,马来西亚理工大学(University of Science Malaysia)兼职研究员,主要从事甲壳动物脂类代谢和功能性饲料的研究工作

  • 2011/09-2016/12上海海洋大学水产与生命学院副教授,承担《水产动物营养与饲料学》、《甲壳动物增养殖学》、《水产动物营养繁殖学》和《水生生物学》等课程的教学,从事甲壳动物营养生理和遗传育种的科研工作;

  •  2006/07-2011/08上海海洋大学水产与生命学院讲师,承担《甲壳动物增养殖学》、《水产动物营养营养繁殖学》、《水产养殖概论》和《专业外语》等课程的教学,同时从事水产动物营养饲料和蟹类营养繁殖学方面的科研工作;

  • 2004/07-2006/07上海水产大学生命学院助教,承担《甲壳动物增养殖学》、《生物饵料培养》和《水产养殖概论》等课程的教学,同时参与虾蟹类营养繁殖学和瘤背石磺繁殖技术的科研工作;

  •  2004/02–2006/12江苏宜兴市佳威饲料有限公司技术部经理,主要从事水产饲料新品开发和产品质量控制方面的工作


三、 教学和研究生培养

1. 本科生课程:主讲《水产动物营养与饲料》和《甲壳动物增养殖学》,其中《水产动物营养与饲料》(全英语教学)为上海市教委示范性课程和上海市一流本科课程,本人为课程负责人;

2. 研究生课程:主讲《仪器分析与样品前处理》,参讲《虾蟹繁殖技术》、《现代渔业发展》和《水产动物营养繁殖学》等课程;

3. 参编教材:甲壳动物学实验指导,科学出版社,排名第六名;

4. 研究生指导:目前指导指导在读博士生3名和硕士生15名,已经培养博士毕业生5名博士生和20名硕士毕业生。


四、 学术兼职和社会服务


1. 2021/07 - 至今, 上海海洋大学校学术委员会委员

2. 2023/01 - 至今, 农业农村部鱼类营养与养殖环境研究中心 执行主任;

3. 2017/01 - 2022/12, 农业农村部淡水种质资源利用重点实验室副主任;

4. 2017/10 - 至今, 中国渔业协会河蟹分会理事;

5. 2018/01 - 至今, 上海市动物学会理事,中国甲壳动物学会理事;

6. 2022/11 - 至今,担任中国水产学会水产动物营养与饲料委员会生物饵料委员会的委员/理事;

7. 2023/08 – 2027/12,担任中国动物学会比较内分泌学专业委员会的委员.


1. 2023/02 - 至今,担任Aquaculture International(IF=2.9)副主编;

2. 2022/05 - 至今,担任Fishes编委 (IF=2.8);

3. 2020/11 – 2022/12,担任Review in Aquaculture编委 (IF=10.6);

4. 2020/04 - 至今,担任Crustaceana编委 (IF=0.6);

5. 2019/05 - 至今,担任Frontier in Physiology编委 (IF=4.8);



1. 2020/01 – 2023/12,江苏海水养殖联盟顾问委员会委员;

2. 2012 - 至今, 担任Journal of Nutrition, BBA, Food Chemistry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Molecular Ecology, British Journal of Nutrition, Frontier in Physiology, Plos One, Aquaculture, Aquaculture Nutrition, Aquaculture Research, and Aquaculture InternationalSCI杂志审稿人;

3. 2018- 至今, 先后担任欧盟科研项目、国家自然科学基金项目、浙江省自然科学基金和上海市科委项目等项目函评专家;

4. 2015/02 - 至今, 多次担任The World Crustacean Congress”、中国甲壳动物学术研讨会“世界华人虾蟹养殖学术研讨会”和“世界华人鱼虾营养学术研讨会”等学术会议的学术委员、组委会成员或会议报告主持人


五、 科研项目


1. 2024.1-2026.12, 外交部亚洲合作资金项目: 澜湄国家稻渔种养技术合作及人才培养 (编号: 12230001, 经费: 300).

2. 2024.1 – 2027.12, 国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合基金子课题: 三疣梭子蟹卵黄蛋白进入卵母细胞的机制解析 (编号: U23A20248, 经费: 42.6).

3. 2022.11 – 2026.10, 科技部国家重点研发项目子课题: 中华绒螯蟹性早熟的遗传基础及新品种选育 (编号: 2022YFD2400702, 经费90)

4. 2021.1-2025.12, 上海市教委水产动物良种创制与绿色养殖协同创新项目:河蟹良种培育与绿色养殖创新团队(编号:2021科技02-12,经费400万)

5. 2022.1-2026.12, 江苏省农业农村厅种业振兴揭榜挂帅项目长荡湖河蟹优质抗逆新品系选育 (编号: JBGS[2021]127, 经费120)

6. 2024.1 - 2028.12, 江苏金坛区农业农村局科技项目: “长荡湖1河蟹良种选育及中试推广(编号: JTNL2024001, 经费200).

7. 2022.1-2025.12, 山东省东营市黄河三角洲产业领军人才项目: 黄河口大闸蟹智慧养殖关键技术集成及产业化示范 (编号: DYRC202100215, 经费100);

8. 2022.1-2025.12, 企业委托课题:河蟹功能性饲料研发及中试评估(编号:D-8006-22-0014,经费90)


1. 2019.1-2022.12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:中华绒螯蟹卵巢发育过程中类胡萝卜素积累机制的研究(No31873041, 经费70.8).

2. 2016.1-2019.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:饲料中植物油替代鱼油对河蟹卵巢发育过程中脂质代谢和营养品质的影响及其机理分析(编号31572630,经费78).

3. 2013.1-2016.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 雌激素及其受体对三疣梭子蟹卵巢发育的生理调控(编号41276158, 经费78).

4. 2009.1-2011.12, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目: 高度不饱和脂肪酸对三疣梭子蟹卵黄发生的调控机制(编号40806068, 经费20).

52021.1-2023.12, 外交部亚洲合作资金项目: 澜湄国家稻渔种养技术合作及水产养殖减贫 (编号 125A0607, 经费 210).

6. 2019-2022.12, 科技部蓝色粮仓项目子课题: 蟹类色泽形成及其遗传机制的研究(编号2018YFD0900100, 经费140).

7. 2020.10-2023.9, 上海市科委部分地方院校能力建设项目: 河蟹雌雄分养关键技术的研究与应用(编号: 20050501600, 经费100).

8. 2022.1-2023.12, 上海市河蟹产业体系专项:崇明成蟹绿色养殖模式与技术研究(编号:沪农科产字(2022)第4号,经费80万).

9. 2020.1-2021.12, 上海市科委外国专家项目: 水产动物功能性饲料的研究与应用: 以河蟹和加州鲈为例 (编号20WZ2500100, 20).

10. 2019.1-2021.12安徽宣州区洪林现代农业示范区管委会:宣城稻渔综合种养基地建设及研究项目 (编号2019-145, 经费60)

11. 2017.9-2020.12上海市教育委员会/上海市教育发展基金会曙光计划项目: 类胡萝卜素对河蟹雌体色泽形成的影响及其调控(编号17SG46, 经费15)

12. 2016.4-2019.4, 上海市科技兴农重点推广项目子课题: 三疣梭子蟹雌体育肥和均衡上市关键技术的示范(编号:沪农科推字(2016)1-1-8号,经费60万)

13. 2013.9-2015.9, 上海市科委崇明科技专项: 水鸟友好型水产养殖关键技术研究(编号13231203504, 经费60).

14. 2013.6-2016.6上海市科委地方院校能力建设项目: 饲料营养和水体盐度对河蟹育肥和品质调控的研究及应用(编号13320502100, 经费80).

15. 2015.9-2020.12, 企业横向课题:河蟹高档饲料开发及优质苗种培育(编号D-8006-15-0054,经费400)


六、 代表性学术论文和授权专利(*通讯作者)


1. Pan K. W., Zhu B. X., Wang L., Guo  Q., Chong A. S. C., Wu X.G.*. Expression pattern of AGPATs isoforms indicate different functions during the triacylglyceride synthesis in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 2024, 287A, e111535. (Q3, IF=2.3)

2. Zhang L, Tao N P, Wu X.G.*, Wang X.C.*. Metabolomics of the hepatopancreas in Chinese mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis). Food Research International, 2022, 152, e110914. (Q1, IF=7.4)

3. Zhang L, Yin M, Zheng Y, Xu C, Tao N, Wu X.G.*., Wang X.C. *.. Brackish water improves the taste quality in meat of adult male Eriocheir sinensis during the postharvest temporary rearing. Food Chemistry, 2021, 343: e128409. (Q1, IF=9.2)

4. Liu M.M., Jiang X.D., Chen A., Chen T., Cheng Y.X., Wu X.G.*. Transcriptome analysis reveals the potential mechanism of dietary carotenoids improving antioxidative capability and immunity of juvenile Chinese mitten crabs Eriocheir sinensis. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2020,104: 359-373. (Q2, IF=4.6)

5. Li Q.Q., Zu L., Cheng Y.X., Wade N., Liu J.G., Wu X.G.*. Carapace color affects carotenoid composition and nutritional quality of the Chinese mitten crab, Eriochier sinensis. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2020, 206: e109286. (Q1, IF=5.0)

6. Zhu W.L., Guo Q, Wu X.G.*, Cheng Y.X.*. Identification and functional expression of two subtypes of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase differently regulating triacylglyceride synthesis during ovary development in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 2019, 331A(9): 494-505. (Q3, IF=1.9)

7. Liu M.M., Wang L, Cheng Y.X., Gong J., Zeng C.S., Wu X.G.*. Effect of estradiol on hepatopancreatic lipid metabolism in the swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2019, 280: 115-122. (Q3, IF=2.4)

8. Pan J., Liu M.M., Cheng Y.X., Wu X.G. *.. Immunolocalization and changes of 17beta-estradiol in the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis during ovarian development. Tissue and Cell Research, 2018, 373(2): 509-520. (Q2, IF=3.04)

9. Liu M.M., Pan J., Liu Z. J., Cheng Y.X., Gong J., Wu X.G.*. Effect of estradiol on vitellogenesis and oocyte development of female swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture, 2018, 486: 240-245. (Q2, IF=2.7)

10. Wu X.G., Smith G., Hall M. Patterns of larval growth, lipid composition and fatty acid deposition during early to mid-stages of development in Panulirus ornatus phyllosoma. Aquaculture, 2012, 330-333: 63-73. (Q2, IF=2.04)



11. Liu Y.F., Li M.J., Zhang M., Yang Z.L., Chen X.W.*, Wu X.G.*. Evolution and expression analysis of carotenoid cleavage oxygenase gene family in Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 257: e128475. (Q1, IF=8.2)

12. Zhang D.D., Yang Z. L., Jiang X.D., Liu Y.F., Chen X.W.*Wu X.G.*. The comparison of morphology and transcriptome in the inner membrane reveals the potential mechanism of the heritable carapace color of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis). Gene, 2024, e148058. (Q3, IF=3.5)

13. Li Q.Q., Sun Q.F., Zhang C., Cheng Y.X.*., Wu X.G. *. Estimation of genetic parameters for carotenoid traits in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, females. Aquaculture, 2020, e735990. (Q1, IF=4.2)

14. Jiang X.D., Wang H.L., Cheng Y.X., Wu X.G.*. Growth performance, gonad development and nutritional composition of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis selected for growth and different maturity time. Aquaculture, 2020, e735194. (Q1, IF=4.2)

15. Li Q.Q., Liu Q., Zhang C., Cheng Y.X.*., Wu X.G.*. Can colour-related traits in the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis be improved through quantitative genetic inheritance? Aquaculture, 2019, 512, 734355. (Q1, IF=3.2)

16. Wu X.G., He J, Jiang X.D., Liu Q., Gao F., Cheng Y.X.*. Does the wild-caught Chinese mitten-crab megalopa perform better than the hatchery-produced seed during the first year juvenile cultureAquaculture research, 2018, 49(5): 2042 - 2050. (Q2, IF=1.5)

17. He J., Wu X.G.(co-first author), Li J.Y., Huang Q., Huang Z.F., Cheng Y.X.*. Comparison of the culture performance and profitability of wild-caught and captive pond-reared Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) juveniles reared in grow-out ponds: Implications for seed selection and genetic selection programs. Aquaculture, 2014, 434: 48-56. (Q2, IF=2.6)

18. 张冬冬, 范陈伟,姜晓东,成永旭,吴旭干*. 中华绒螯蟹白壳和绿壳品系成蟹可食率、类胡萝卜素含量和营养组成的比较研究. 水产学报, 2023, 47(9): e099610.

19. 张光宝,姜晓东,庄振俊,陈文彬,罗明,成永旭, 陈晓武,吴旭干*. 中华绒螯蟹长荡湖1新品系选育偶数年第二代(G2)生长、性腺发育和养殖性能的研究. 海洋与湖沼, 2023, 54(5): 1444-1453.

20. 姜晓东,吴旭干,何杰,邓登,向朝林,成永旭*. 遗传选育对中华绒螯蟹扣蟹形态学特征的影响. 水产学报, 2018, 42(8):1285-1298.



21. Zhang L, Zhang R, Jiang X, Wu X.G.*, Wang X.C.*. Dietary supplementation with synthetic astaxanthin and DHA interactively regulates physiological metabolism to improve the color and odor quality of ovaries in adult female Eriocheir sinensis. Food Chemistry, 2024, 430: e137020. (Q1, IF=8.8)

22. Jiang X.D., Xie Z.L., Wade N., Truong H H, Yang Y.H., Wu X.G.*. Using response surfaces to explore the interactive effect of       dietary astaxanthin and β-carotene on growth and antioxidant capability of juvenile Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 2022, 555, e738196. (Q1, IF=4.5)

23. Gao S.S., Yang M.S., Xu K.J., Jiang X.D., Wu X.G.*, Wang Y.J.*. Shift and interaction of intestinal bacterial community in juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis upon astaxanthin feeding. Aquaculture, 2022, 555, e738203. (Q1, IF=4.5)

24. Zhu S., Long X., Turchini G.M., Deng D., Cheng Y., Wu X.G.*. Towards defining optimal dietary protein levels for male and female sub-adult Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis reared in earthen ponds: performances, nutrient composition and metabolism, antioxidant capacity and immunity. Aquaculture, 2021, 536, e736442. (Q1, IF=4.2)

25. Jiang X. D., Zu L., Wang Z. Y., Cheng Y.X., Yang Y.H., Wu X.G.*. Micro-algal astaxanthin could improve the antioxidant capability, immunity and ammonia resistance of juvenile Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2020, 102(1): 499-510. (Q1, IF=4.9)

26. Ma N., Long X.W., Liu J.G.Chang G.L., Cheng Y.X., Wu X.G.*. Defatted Haematococcus pluvialis meal can enhance the coloration of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 2019, 510: 371-379. (Q1, IF=4.2)

27. Long X.W., Wu R.F., Wu X.G. *, Hou W.J., Pan G.P., Zeng C.S., Cheng Y.X. Effects of dietary fish oil replacement on growth, lipid metabolism, antioxidant capacity and immune response of sub-adult swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture nutrition, 2019, 25(6): 1218-1230. (Q2, IF=3.5)

28. Long X.W., Wu X.G.(co-first author), Zhao L., Cheng Y.X.*. Effects of dietary supplementation of Haematococcus Pluvialis powder on Gonadal Development, Color and Antioxidant Capacity of Adult female Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis). Aquaculture, 2017, 473: 545-553. (Q1, IF=2.7)

29. Wu X.G., Wang Z.K., Cheng Y.X.*, Zeng C., Yang X.Z., Lu J.F. Effect of dietary phospholipid and highly unsaturated fatty acids on the precocity, survival and growth of juvenile Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis), Aquaculture Research, 2011, 42, 457-468. (Q3, IF=1.2)

30. Wu X.G., Cheng Y.X.*, Sui L.Y., Zeng C.S., Southgate P.C., Yang X.Z. Effect of dietary supplementation of phospholipid and highly unsaturated fatty acids on reproductive performance and offspring quality of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) broodstock. Aquaculture, 2007, 273(4): 602-613. (Q2, IF=1.5)



31. Zhang G.B., Jiang X.D., Zhou W.Q., Chen W.B., Levy T., Wu X.G.*. Stocking density affects culture performance and economic profits of female Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) reared in earth ponds during adult culture period. Aquaculture, 2024, 581, e740352. (Q1, IF=4.5)

32. Lin J.W., Li Y., Zhan Y.H., Wu X.G. *. Combined amendment and capping of sediment with ferrihydrite and magnetite to control internal phosphorus release. Water Research, 2023, 235: e119899. (Q1, IF=12.8)

33. Wu X.G., Zhu S.C., Zhang H.C., Liu M.M., Wu N., Pan J., Wang X.C., Cheng Y.X.*. Fattening culture improves the gonadal development and nutritional quality of male Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 2020, 518: e734865. (Q1, IF=4.2)

34. Dong Z.G., Mao S., Chen Y.H., Ge H.X., Li X.Y., Wu X.G.*, Liu D.W., Zhang K., Bai C.W., Zhang Q.Q. Effects of air-exposure stress on the survival rate and physiology of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture, 2019, 500: 429–434. (Q1, IF=4.2)

35. Wu X.G., Zhao H.L., Jiang X.D., He J., Liu N.G., Cheng Y.X.*. Comparison of culture performance and gonadal development of wild-caught Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) juveniles from three major river populations. Fisheries Science, 2018, 84(6): 929-937. (Q3, IF=0.8)

36. He J, Wu X.G. (co-first author), Cheng Y.X.*. Effects of limb autotomy on growth, feeding and regeneration in the juvenile Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 2016, 457:79-84. (Q1, IF=2.1)

37. Wu X.G., Cheng Y.X.*, Zeng C.S. Reproductive performance and offspring quality between similarly-sized wild-caught and pond-reared swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus broodstock. Aquaculture, 2010, 301: 78-64. (Q2, IF=2.7)

38. 张光宝,姜晓东,陈文彬,周文全,罗明,吴旭干*.. 水草种植模式对全雄中华绒螯蟹成蟹养殖性能和经济效益的影响. 南方水产科学, 2023, 19(2): 107-115.

39. 龙晓文,吴仁福,侯文杰,潘桂平,成永旭, 吴旭干*. 水体盐度对雌性三疣梭子蟹生长、卵巢发育、渗透压调节、代谢和抗氧化能力的影响. 水产学报, 2019, 43(8): 1768-1880.

40. 吴旭干, 成永旭*, 常国亮, 隋丽英, 王武, 南天佐, 王金庆, 沈竑. 亲本强化培育对中华绒螯蟹雌体生殖性能和Z1幼体质量的影响. 水产学报, 2007, 31(6): 757-764.



1. 吴旭干,张成, 成永旭. 专利名称: 精确测定中华绒螯蟹线粒体全基因组序列的方法, 专利号: ZL20181081584.4, 授权时间: 2022317.

2. 吴旭干,张冬冬, 姜晓东,庄振俊, 罗明, 陈文彬.专利名称: 中华绒螯蟹白壳品系的构建方法,专利号: ZL202110593378.7, 授权时间: 2022930, 授权使用(使用费60).

3. 吴旭干,刘青, 成永旭,王海宁, 李清清. 专利名称: 一种利用电子标签进行蟹类个体标记的方法, 专利号: ZL201711424029.2, 授权时间: 2020221.

4. 吴旭干,成永旭,龙晓文,麻楠,刘建国,侯文杰,常国亮,专利名称:雨生红球藻藻渣在经济蟹类育肥饲料中的高值化利用方法,专利号: 201711408090.8, 授权时间: 202084, 授权使用(使用费60).

5. 吴旭干, 成永旭,龙晓文, 邓登,常国亮. 发明专利:两种河蟹色泽调控饲料及其投喂方法, 专利号: ZL201610971481.X, 授权时间:20201215, 已经转让(转让费15).

6. 吴旭干,常国亮,成永旭,王海宁,葛永春. 发明专利:河蟹成蟹养殖池塘同池异位混养小龙虾的方法,专利号: 201610971470.1, 授权时间:2019716, 已经转让(转让费3).

7. 吴旭干, 成永旭,龙晓文, 赵磊,王帅,王锡昌. 发明专利:一种池塘养殖河蟹生态育肥和品质调控的方法, 专利号: ZL201510559079.6,授权时间:20171017, 授权使用(使用费60).

8. 吴旭干, 何杰, 赵恒亮,刘皓, 王幼鹏, 成永旭. 发明专利: 一种鉴别长江水系中华绒螯蟹野生扣蟹和池塘养殖扣蟹的方法, 专利号: ZL201410427927.3, 授权时间: 2016525.

9. 吴旭干, 成永旭, 刘智俊, 杨筱珍, 李光霞. 发明专利: 一种预报三疣梭子蟹产卵期的方法, 专利号200910049845.9, 授权时间2012714.

10. 吴旭干, 丰浪, 成永旭, 刘智俊. 发明专利: 三疣梭子蟹雌体快速育膏方法,授权号: 201010103283.4, 授权时间: 201274.

11. 何杰, 吴旭干, 赵恒亮, 柳梅梅, 成永旭. 发明专利: 一种河蟹成蟹养殖池塘同池异位混养甲鱼的系统,专利号: 201510446277.1, 授权时间:2017125, 已经转让(转让费3.2).

12. 何杰, 吴旭干, 曾奇韬, 杨筱珍, 赵恒亮, 成永旭. 发明专利: 河蟹扣蟹养殖池塘生态放生幼蛙的方法及装置,专利号:  ZL201310405326.8, 授权时间: 20158, 已经转让(转让费10).

13. 成永旭, 吴旭干, 杨筱珍, 常国亮. 发明专利: 中华绒螯蟹育肥饲料营养性添加剂. 发明专利, 专利号: 200710042620, 授权时间: 201274.


七、 主要科教奖项


1. 20221月,虾蟹全周期精准营养及高效环保水产养殖关键技术与产业化获2021年深圳市科学进步二等奖,深圳市人民政府,副省级, 排名第3.

2. 202011月,河蟹生态环保健康养殖模式构建与示范推广”, 获中国水产学会范蠡科学技术奖二等奖, 中国水产学会, 学会级, 排名第2.

3. 201611基于全程配合饲料和营养品质调控的高品质河蟹生态养殖技术研究与应用获2016年上海市科技进步一等奖, 上海市人民政府, 省部级, 排名第4.

4. 20155基于营养品质调控的河蟹全程配合饲料河蟹生态养殖技术研究于应用获上海海洋大学科技进步一等奖, 厅局级, 排名第1.

5. 20103中华绒螯蟹育苗和养殖关键技术的研究和推广上海市科学进步一等奖, 省部级, 排名第6.

6. 2009 11月,瘤背石磺生物学特性及增养殖技术研究与应用国家海洋局海洋科技创新二等奖, 省部级, 排名第3.


1. 20238, 指导的本科生参加第八届全国大学生生命科学竞赛(科学探究类)获得三等奖,获奖项目:黑水虻在河蟹功能性饲料中的研究及应用,指导教师:吴旭干.

2. 20217, 上海海洋大学: 水产一流学科建设背景下水产养殖学专业国际化教学体系的构建与实践, 获得2021上海海洋大学教学成果奖一等奖, 排名2.

3. 20188月,指导本科生参加第三届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛获得二等奖,获奖项目:基于中华绒螯蟹眼柄生长纹解析其年龄和蜕壳,指导教师:吴旭干,刘必林.

4. 20173月,指导硕士生肖起珍参加国家科技基础平台中心组织的共享杯大学生科技资源服务创新大赛获得特等奖, 获奖项目:中华绒螯蟹养殖和野生群体的遗传多样性研究,指导教师:成永旭,吴旭干.

5. 20156月 参加第二届全国高校微课比赛,获得上海赛区三等奖.



1. 202310月,入选全球渔业领域前2%顶级科学家(World top 2% scientists).

2. 202010月,上海海洋大学 研究生优秀指导教师.

3. 201810, 上海市人力资源和社会保障局: 上海市人才发展基金获得者, 获得其项目资助.

4. 20178, 上海市教育委员会/上海市教育发展基金会曙光学者荣誉称号, 获得曙光项目资助.

5. 20169, 上海海洋大学 最受学生欢迎的好老师荣誉称号.

6. 200711, 上海市教育委员会/上海市教育发展基金会晨光学者荣誉称号, 获得晨光项目资助.


八、 联系方式

通讯地址:上海市沪城环路999号 上海海洋大学水产与生命学院A323


电话:021-61900417, 15692165021

E-mailxgwu@shou.edu.cn; wuxugan@hotmail.com 



Curriculum Vitae of Xugan Wu


Prof. Xugan Wu is working on teaching and research in the area of Aquaculture nutrition and feeds, reproductive biology and crustacean genetic breeding. Most of my research is focused on Chinese mitten crab and swimming crab. I am teaching five courses for both undergraduates and postgraduates including ‘Aquaculture Nutrition and Feed’, ‘Crustacean Aquaculture’ and ‘Sample preparation and Instrumental Analysis’, et al. I got my PhD at James Cook University, Australia in 2011, and become a lecturer in Shanghai Ocean University since 2011. In 2017, I was promoted to be a full professor in aquaculture nutrition and reproductive physiology, and I became the director of Department of Aquaculture Nutrition and Feed and Vice-director of Key Laboratory of Exploration and Utilization of Freshwater Genetic Resources certificated by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China in Shanghai Ocean University.


I have more than 20 years of research experiences in crustacean aquaculture, and my major academic achievements include the pioneering of mitten crab broodstock nutrition, hatchery technique and reproductive performance, interactions between lipid nutrition and hormonal secretion of crustaceans, crab feeds and quality improvement, reproductive physiology and endocrinology, genetic resource and breeding of mitten crab. There are more than 100 publications from those researches, and I was the major contributors for more than 50 of peer-reviewed English publications (SCI) in aquaculture and crustacean biology area. Those achievements have earned me good reputation on aquaculture nutrition and crustacean biology, which is reflected in several awards and grants, including the prestigious ‘Star Awards’ (2007) from Shanghai Educational Development Foundation, “Shuguang Scholar” (2017) from Shanghai Educational Development Foundation project, “Shanghai talents development fund for young talents” from Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and five consecutive projects (2008, 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2023) from National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), associate editor and editor for several English journals. Because of our research performance, formulated diets became feasible, cost-effective and reliable feeds to replace the traditional diets, i.e. frozen trash fish and the other raw ingredients in commercial mitten crab farms, which have been applied and extended to several feed companies and many mitten crab farms in China.


Since 2011, our research team have also started to evaluate genetic resource and to perform genetic breeding of Eriocheir sinensis, and more than 30 families with different traits have been established in our team, and the technical system of Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) and genomic selection has been setup for Chinese mitten crab. Using mass selective breeding program, one early-maturing strain and one late-maturing strain has been bred to the sixth generation (G6) until 2022. The economic trait of breeding lines has been improved more than 15% than that of the normal population without the genetic improvement. Our team have close international collaborations with several partners including Dr Nick Wade from The University of Edinburgh, British in crustacean color formulation and breeding, Prof. Chaoshu Zeng form James Cook University in crustacean biology and aquaculture, Prof. Giovanni form University of Melbourne, Dr Dave from Deakin University, Australia in lipid metabolism and feeds development, Prof. Amir Sagi from Negev Ben Gurion University, Israel in crustacean mono-sex culture and physiology, Prof. Alex from National Institute of Atmospheric and Water Research (NIWA) at New Zealand in aquaculture nutrition and molecular mechanism, Dr Ting Chen from South China Sea Institute of Oceanography in crustacean reproduction and endocrinology, and we have regular visits, student exchange, guest researches, and other exchanges with these partners.


Welcome for the Communication, Collaborations and Knowledge exchange across the world.


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2968-8649


I. My Research Interests and Background

Research Interests

Crustacean nutrition and feed, focused on lipid nutrition and functional feeds;

Mechanism of crustacean ovarian development and endocrinology, particularly for the deposition of lipids and carotenoids, the metabolism and function of sexsteroids and prostaglandins;

Carotenoid metabolism, color formulation and their regulation in crustacean;

Genetic resource and molecular breeding of Chinese mitten crab;

Evaluation of raw materials for crustacean feeds;

Hatchery and culture technology of mitten crab and swimming crab.


Education Background

· Visting professor, 08/2017 – 11/2017University of AlbertaEdmonton, Canada.

· PhD, 2008 - 2011, Aquaculture Nutrition and Physiology, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia.

· MSc, 2001 – 2004, Aquaculture, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China.

· BSc, 1997 – 2001, Aquaculture, Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai, China, 2001.


Professional Experience

· Nov., 2017- present, Full Professor (Aquaculture nutrition and genetic breeding), College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China.

· Jan., 2012 - Oct. 2017, Associate Professor (Aquaculture nutrition and reproductive physiology), College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China.

· Jul., 2006 - Feb., 2008: Lecturer, College of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China.

· Sep., 2004 - June, 2006, Research assistant, Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai, China.

· Feb. 2004 - Dec., 2004, Technician manager for the feed formulate and quality control, Jiangsu Jiawei Feed Co. Ltd., Jiangsu, China.

· Jan., 2002-May 2005, Hatchery technician for the mitten crab and swimming crab, Shanghai Yingshen Co. Ltd., Shanghai, and Zhoushan Huaxing Aquaculture Co. Ltd., Zhoushan, China.

· June - Sep., 2001, After sale engineer/Customer manager for aquaculture health products, Nanjing Sbeed Animal Healthcare Co., Jiangsu, China.


II. Teaching Activities and training postgraduates

Since full-time appointment in 2011 in Shanghai Ocean University, I am teaching five courses for undergraduate and postgraduates, and supervise 3-5 research MSc and 1-2 Ph.D students each year.

Courses for bachelor students: Aquaculture Nutrition and Feed (English media instruction)’, ‘Crustacean Aquaculture’ and ‘Aquaculture practice’, and ‘Aquaculture Nutrition and Feed’ become Key Exemplary courses of English media instruction certificated by Shanghai Education Committee in 2014.

Courses for Postgraduates: Sample preparation and Instrumental Analysis’, ‘Crustacean hatchery technology’ and ‘Nutritional Reproduction of Aquatic animals’.

Guiding Postgraduate: Currently, I am acting as principal supervisor of 3 PhD and 15 MSc students, and guiding 8 bachelor diploma students; I have finished the supervision of 5 PhD and 20 MSc students as principal supervisor.

Textbook Compilation: Guidance on crustacean experiments (Ed. By Wang C, Mu C.K., Wang D.L., Zhu C.H., Li R.H., Wu X.G., Lin X., Gao Q.), Science Press, Beijing, China.


III. Academic and public service

University internal service

02/2023 - present, Director of Research Center for Aquaculture Nutrition and Ecological Environment at Shanghai Ocean University.

10/2021 - present, Member of Academic Committee in Shanghai Ocean University.

11/2019 - present, member of school scientific Committee in Shanghai Ocean University.

01/2018 – 12/2022, Director of Department of Aquaculture Nutrition and Feed, Shanghai Ocean University;

06/2017 - 12/2022, Vice-director of Key Laboratory of Exploration and Utilization of Aquatic Genetic Resources certificated by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China.


Fellow of Professional Committee/Society

11/2022 – 11/2027, Fellow of Professional Committee of Aquaculture Animal Nutrition and Feed, Live feed committee of China Society of Fisheries

08/2023 – 08/2027, Fellow Professional Committee of Comparative Endocrinology of Chinese Zoological Society

01/2020 - present, a member of advisory Committee for extension of mariculture Technology of Jiangsu coastal area, China;

11/2019 - present, Fellow of Chinese Crustacean Society;

01/2018 - present, Fellow of Shanghai Society of zoology;

10/2017 - present, Fellow of Chinese mitten crab Industry Association of China;


Journal Board member

02/2023 - present, Associate Editor for Aquaculture International (IF=2.9);

05/2022 - present, a member of the Board of Editors for Fishes (IF=2.8);

05/2021 - present, a member of the Board of Editors for Aquaculture, fish and fisheries;

11/2020 -12/2022, a member of the Board of Editors for Review in Aquaculture (IF=10.6);

04/2020 - present, a member of the Board of Editors for Crustaceana (IF=0.6);

05/2019 - present, a member of the Board of Editors for Frontier in Physiology (IF=4.8);


The other academic service

01/2020 – 12/2023, a member of Advisory Committee for extension of mariculture Technology of Jiangsu coastal area, China;

2015/ - present, serve as academic committee members, organizing committee members and coordinator for different international conferences or workshops, including ‘The World Crustacean Congress’, The 5th Workshop on Lipid Nutrition and Metabolism in Aquatic Animals’, ‘World Chinese Scientists on Crustacean Aquaculture’, and ‘Symposium of World’s Chinese Scientist on Nutrition and Feed of Fish and Shellfish’;

Journal reviewers: act as reviewers for more than 20 scientific journals, including Journal of Nutrition, British Journal of Nutrition, Food Chemistry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Molecular Ecology, Frontier in Physiology, Plos One, Aquaculture, Aquaculture Nutrition, Aquaculture Research, Aquaculture International, and the others.


IV. Research Grants

Total funding since 2011: U$ 3.61 million, including U$ 1.12 million (31%) of national competitive grants, U$ 1.16 million of other public sector funding, and U$ 1.33 million (37%) of industry projects.


Ongoing projects

1. January 1/2024 - December 31/2026. Principal Investigator, the project of Technical Cooperation in Rice-Fish and Personnel training in Lancang-Mekong area was approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China (No.12230001, U$420, 000).

2. January 1/2024  December/2027. Principal Investigator, Joint innovation project from the Natural Science Foundation of China:  Endocrine mechanism of ovarian development post mating of swimming crab (No. U23A20248, U$65, 000).

3. Jan. 01/2024  Dec. 31/2028, Principal Investigator, The R&D project from Jintan district bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affair of Jiangsu Province: Genetic breeding and extension of Changdanhu No1 new strain of Chinese mitten crab (No.JTNL2024002, U$ 352, 000)

4. Nov.01/2022 – Dec.31/ 2026, Principal Investigator, the project of a Key R&D Program from Ministry of science and technology of China: Understanding of genetic basis of sexual precocity and their application breeding of new varieties of Eriocheir sinensis (No. 2022YFD2400702, U$150, 000).

5. 2021/01-2026/12, Team leader, Shanghai Collaborative Innovation Center project from Shanghai Educational Committee: Collaborative Innovation Team for genetic breeding and green aquaculture of Chinese mitten crab (No. 2021-KJ-02-12, U$694, 000).

6. 2020/01-2026/12, Principal Investigator, The R&D open competition project from Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affair of Jiangsu Province: Breeding of new strain Chinese mitten crab with good traits of fast-growth and stress-resistant (No. JBGS[2021]127, U$ 200, 000).

7. 2022/01-2025/12, Principal Investigator, The leading talent industry project in the Yellow River Delta from Dongying City of Shandong Province: Key technology integration and industrialization demonstration of intelligent culture of Chinese Mitten Crab in the Yellow River estuary (No.DYRC202100215, U$143, 000);

8. 2022/04-2025/03, Principal Investigator, a R & D Program from Shenzhen Alpha Feed Co. Ltd: Development and application of specific feed for the mono-culture of Chinese mitten crab (No.8006-23-0006, U$ 160, 000).

Completed projects

1. 2019.1-2022.12. Principal Investigator, General project from the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): The study of accumulation mechanism for ovarian carotenoids during the ovarian development of Chinese mitten crab (No. 31873041, U$100, 000).

2. 2019.1-2022.12. Principal Investigator, R& D project from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MSTC): Understanding of carotenoid metabolism facilitate the development of functional feeds and selective breeding for crabs (No. 2018YFD090028, U$200, 000).

3. 2016.1-2019.12, Principal Investigator, General project from the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): The effects of dietary fish oil replacement by vegetable oil on lipid metabolism and nutritional quality during the ovarian development of Chinese mitten crab and its modulation mechanism (No. 31572630, U$130, 000). 

4. 2013.1-2016.12, Chief Investigator, General project from the Natural Science Foundation of China: The physiological regulation of estrogen and its receptors on ovarian development of female swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus (No. 41276158, U$ 130, 000)

5. 2008.1-2011.12, Principal Investigator, Chinese National Natural Science foundation Project: The modulation of HUFA on the vitellogenesis and its gene expression for the Swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus (No40806068, U$25,000).

6. 2022.1-2023.12, Shanghai Modern Agricultural Industry Project from Shanghai Agriculture CommitteeResearch on Green Aquaculture Mode and Technology of Adult Chinese Mitten Crab in Chongming island (No.HNKC-2022-4, U$121, 000).

7. 2020.10-2023.9, Principal Investigator, the capacity building project for the local university from Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission: Research and application of key technology for mono-sex culture of Chinese mitten crab (No. 20050501600, U$ 150, 000).

8. 2020.1-2021.12, Principal Investigator, an oversea expert project from Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM): Research and application of functional feeds in aquaculture: the case study on Largemouth Bass and Chinese mitten crab (No. 20WZ2500100, U$30, 000).

9. 2019.1-2022.12, Principal Investigator, a R & D project from Management Committee of Honglin Modern Agricultural industry park of Anhui Province: Study and application of rice-crab/rice-crayfish co-culture in Xuancheng (No.2019-145, U$150, 000)

10. 2019.1-2021.12, Principal Investigator, the Shanghai talent development fund (No.2018100) from Shanghai Municipal Bureau of human resources and social security: Crustacean nutrition and feed (No.2018100, U$ 40, 000)

11. 2018.7-2021.12, Principal Investigator, a R & D Project from Yunnan Alphy Biotech Co., Ltd: Application and development of microalgae products in crab diets (No. JSZY20180505, U$ 200, 000)

12. 2016.7-2020.12, Principal Investigator, a R & D Program from Shenzhen Alpha Feed Co. Ltd: The selective breeding program for early mature and late mature lines of Chinese mitten crab (No. D-8006-16-0088, U$ 560, 000).

13. 2016.4 - 2019.4, Principal Investigator, Research and Extension Project from Shanghai Agriculture Committee (SHAC): The research and application for the fattening and balance market supply for swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus (No.2016-D-1-1-8, Ca U$ 100, 000)

14. 2013.6-2016.6, Chief Investigator, The capacity building project for the local university from Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission: Effects of dietary nutrition and water salinity on fattening and nutrition quality of Chinese mitten crab (No. 13320502100, Ca. U$ 100, 000).

15. 2013.9-2015.9, Principal Investigator, the special research project for Chongming island from Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (No. 13231203504). Research on water bird friendly aquaculture in Chongming wetland (No. 13231203504, U$ 560, 000).

16. 2007.1-2009.1, Principal Investigator, Shanghai Educational Development Foundation grant: ‘The evaluation of reproductive performance and larval quality of swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus’(No.2007CG64, U$10, 000).


V Selected Publications and Authorized Patents (*corresponding author)


Nutrition physiology and gonadal development

1. Pan K. W., Zhu B. X., Wang L., Guo  Q., Chong A. S. C., Wu X.G.*. Expression pattern of AGPATs isoforms indicate different functions during the triacylglyceride synthesis in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 2024, 287A, e111535. (Q3, IF=2.3)

2. Zhang L, Tao N P, Wu X.G.*, Wang X.C.*. Metabolomics of the hepatopancreas in Chinese mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis). Food Research International, 2022, 152, e110914. (Q1, IF=7.4)

3. Zhang L, Yin M, Zheng Y, Xu C, Tao N, Wu X.G.*., Wang X.C. *.. Brackish water improves the taste quality in meat of adult male Eriocheir sinensis during the postharvest temporary rearing. Food Chemistry, 2021, 343: e128409. (Q1, IF=9.2)

4. Liu M.M., Jiang X.D., Chen A., Chen T., Cheng Y.X., Wu X.G.*. Transcriptome analysis reveals the potential mechanism of dietary carotenoids improving antioxidative capability and immunity of juvenile Chinese mitten crabs Eriocheir sinensis. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2020,104: 359-373. (Q2, IF=4.6)

5. Li Q.Q., Zu L., Cheng Y.X., Wade N., Liu J.G., Wu X.G.*. Carapace color affects carotenoid composition and nutritional quality of the Chinese mitten crab, Eriochier sinensis. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2020, 206: e109286. (Q1, IF=5.0)

6. Zhu W.L., Guo Q, Wu X.G.*, Cheng Y.X.*. Identification and functional expression of two subtypes of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase differently regulating triacylglyceride synthesis during ovary development in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 2019, 331A(9): 494-505. (Q3, IF=1.9)

7. Liu M.M., Wang L, Cheng Y.X., Gong J., Zeng C.S., Wu X.G.*. Effect of estradiol on hepatopancreatic lipid metabolism in the swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2019, 280: 115-122. (Q3, IF=2.4)

8. Pan J., Liu M.M., Cheng Y.X., Wu X.G. *.. Immunolocalization and changes of 17beta-estradiol in the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis during ovarian development. Tissue and Cell Research, 2018, 373(2): 509-520. (Q2, IF=3.04)

9. Liu M.M., Pan J., Liu Z. J., Cheng Y.X., Gong J., Wu X.G.*. Effect of estradiol on vitellogenesis and oocyte development of female swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture, 2018, 486: 240-245. (Q2, IF=2.7)

10. Wu X.G., Smith G., Hall M. Patterns of larval growth, lipid composition and fatty acid deposition during early to mid-stages of development in Panulirus ornatus phyllosoma. Aquaculture, 2012, 330-333: 63-73. (Q2, IF=2.04)


Genetics and molecular breeding

11. Liu Y.F., Li M.J., Zhang M., Yang Z.L., Chen X.W.*, Wu X.G.*. Evolution and expression analysis of carotenoid cleavage oxygenase gene family in Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 257: e128475. (Q1, IF=8.2)

12. Zhang D.D., Yang Z. L., Jiang X.D., Liu Y.F., Chen X.W.*Wu X.G.*. The comparison of morphology and transcriptome in the inner membrane reveals the potential mechanism of the heritable carapace color of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis). Gene, 2024, e148058. (Q3, IF=3.5)

13. Li Q.Q., Sun Q.F., Zhang C., Cheng Y.X.*., Wu X.G. *. Estimation of genetic parameters for carotenoid traits in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, females. Aquaculture, 2020, e735990. (Q1, IF=4.2)

14. Jiang X.D., Wang H.L., Cheng Y.X., Wu X.G.*. Growth performance, gonad development and nutritional composition of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis selected for growth and different maturity time. Aquaculture, 2020, e735194. (Q1, IF=4.2)

15. Li Q.Q., Liu Q., Zhang C., Cheng Y.X.*., Wu X.G.*. Can colour-related traits in the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis be improved through quantitative genetic inheritance? Aquaculture, 2019, 512, 734355. (Q1, IF=3.2)

16. Wu X.G., He J, Jiang X.D., Liu Q., Gao F., Cheng Y.X.*. Does the wild-caught Chinese mitten-crab megalopa perform better than the hatchery-produced seed during the first year juvenile cultureAquaculture research, 2018, 49(5): 2042 - 2050. (Q2, IF=1.5)

17. He J., Wu X.G.(co-first author), Li J.Y., Huang Q., Huang Z.F., Cheng Y.X.*. Comparison of the culture performance and profitability of wild-caught and captive pond-reared Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) juveniles reared in grow-out ponds: Implications for seed selection and genetic selection programs. Aquaculture, 2014, 434: 48-56. (Q2, IF=2.6)


Aquaculture feeds

18. Zhang L, Zhang R, Jiang X, Wu X.G.*, Wang X.C.*. Dietary supplementation with synthetic astaxanthin and DHA interactively regulates physiological metabolism to improve the color and odor quality of ovaries in adult female Eriocheir sinensis. Food Chemistry, 2024, 430: e137020. (Q1, IF=8.8)

19. Jiang X.D., Xie Z.L., Wade N., Truong H H, Yang Y.H., Wu X.G.*. Using response surfaces to explore the interactive effect of dietary astaxanthin and β-carotene on growth and antioxidant capability of juvenile Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 2022, 555, e738196. (Q1, IF=4.5)

20. Gao S.S., Yang M.S., Xu K.J., Jiang X.D., Wu X.G.*, Wang Y.J.*. Shift and interaction of intestinal bacterial community in juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis upon astaxanthin feeding. Aquaculture, 2022, 555, e738203. (Q1, IF=4.5)

21. Zhu S., Long X., Turchini G.M., Deng D., Cheng Y., Wu X.G.*. Towards defining optimal dietary protein levels for male and female sub-adult Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis reared in earthen ponds: performances, nutrient composition and metabolism, antioxidant capacity and immunity. Aquaculture, 2021, 536, e736442. (Q1, IF=4.2)

22. Jiang X. D., Zu L., Wang Z. Y., Cheng Y.X., Yang Y.H., Wu X.G.*. Micro-algal astaxanthin could improve the antioxidant capability, immunity and ammonia resistance of juvenile Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2020, 102(1): 499-510. (Q1, IF=4.9)

23. Ma N., Long X.W., Liu J.G.Chang G.L., Cheng Y.X., Wu X.G.*. Defatted Haematococcus pluvialis meal can enhance the coloration of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 2019, 510: 371-379. (Q1, IF=4.2)

24. Long X.W., Wu R.F., Wu X.G. *, Hou W.J., Pan G.P., Zeng C.S., Cheng Y.X. Effects of dietary fish oil replacement on growth, lipid metabolism, antioxidant capacity and immune response of sub-adult swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture nutrition, 2019, 25(6): 1218-1230. (Q2, IF=3.5)

25. Long X.W., Wu X.G.(co-first author), Zhao L., Cheng Y.X.*. Effects of dietary supplementation of Haematococcus Pluvialis powder on Gonadal Development, Color and Antioxidant Capacity of Adult female Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis). Aquaculture, 2017, 473: 545-553. (Q1, IF=2.7)

26. Wu X.G., Wang Z.K., Cheng Y.X.*, Zeng C., Yang X.Z., Lu J.F. Effect of dietary phospholipid and highly unsaturated fatty acids on the precocity, survival and growth of juvenile Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis), Aquaculture Research, 2011, 42, 457-468. (Q3, IF=1.2)

27. Wu X.G., Cheng Y.X.*, Sui L.Y., Zeng C.S., Southgate P.C., Yang X.Z. Effect of dietary supplementation of phospholipid and highly unsaturated fatty acids on reproductive performance and offspring quality of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) broodstock. Aquaculture, 2007, 273(4): 602-613. (Q2, IF=1.5)


Culture and hatchery

28. Zhang G.B., Jiang X.D., Zhou W.Q., Chen W.B., Levy T., Wu X.G.*. Stocking density affects culture performance and economic profits of female Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) reared in earth ponds during adult culture period. Aquaculture, 2024, 581, e740352. (Q1, IF=4.5)

29. Lin J.W., Li Y., Zhan Y.H., Wu X.G. *. Combined amendment and capping of sediment with ferrihydrite and magnetite to control internal phosphorus release. Water Research, 2023, 235: e119899. (Q1, IF=12.8)

30. Wu X.G., Zhu S.C., Zhang H.C., Liu M.M., Wu N., Pan J., Wang X.C., Cheng Y.X.*. Fattening culture improves the gonadal development and nutritional quality of male Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 2020, 518: e734865. (Q1, IF=4.2)

31. Dong Z.G., Mao S., Chen Y.H., Ge H.X., Li X.Y., Wu X.G.*, Liu D.W., Zhang K., Bai C.W., Zhang Q.Q. Effects of air-exposure stress on the survival rate and physiology of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture, 2019, 500: 429–434. (Q1, IF=4.2)

32. Wu X.G., Zhao H.L., Jiang X.D., He J., Liu N.G., Cheng Y.X.*. Comparison of culture performance and gonadal development of wild-caught Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) juveniles from three major river populations. Fisheries Science, 2018, 84(6): 929-937. (Q3, IF=0.8)

33. He J, Wu X.G. (co-first author), Cheng Y.X.*. Effects of limb autotomy on growth, feeding and regeneration in the juvenile Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 2016, 457:79-84. (Q1, IF=2.1)

34. Wu X.G., Cheng Y.X.*, Zeng C.S. Reproductive performance and offspring quality between similarly-sized wild-caught and pond-reared swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus broodstock. Aquaculture, 2010, 301: 78-64. (Q2, IF=2.7)


Authorized invention patents (intellectual property)

1. Wu X.G., Zhang C., Cheng Y. X. Patent title: Method for accurate determination of mitochondrial whole genome sequence of Eriocheir sinensis. (Patent no. 20181081584.4), authorized date, Mar. 17/2022, China;

2. Wu X.G., Zhang D.D., Jiang X.D., Zhuang Z.J., Luo M., Chen W.B. Patent title: Breeding method of white shell strains of Chinese mitten crab (Patent no. ZL202110593378.7), authorized date, 09/2022, China;

3. Wu X.G., Liu Q., Wang H. N., Li Q.Q. Patent title: A method of using electronic tag to label and recognize massively individual crab (Patent no. 201711424029.2), authorized date, Feb./2020, China;

4. Wu X.G., Cheng Y. X., Long X.W., Ma N., Liu J.G., Hou W.J., Chang G.L. Patent title: Value-added utilization of de-fatted Haematococcus pluvialis meal in fattening diets for crabs (Patent no. 201711408090.8), authorized date, August/2020, China;

5. Wu X.G., Cheng Y. X., Long X.W., Deng D., Chang G.L. Patent title: Two feeds enhancing color of Chinese mitten crab and their feeding methods (Patent no. 201610971481.X), authorized date, Dec. 15/2020, China;

6. Wu X.G., Chang G.L., Cheng Y. X., Wang H.N., Ge Y.C. Patent title: Novel methods for poly-culture of Chinese mitten crab and red swamp crayfish in earth ponds (Patent no. 201610971470.1), authorized date, 07/2019, China;

7. Wu X.G., Cheng Y. X., Long X.W., Zhao L., Wang S., Wang X.C. Patent title: A method of fattening culture and quality improvement for pond-reared Chinese mitten crab (Patent no. ZL201510559079.6), authorized date, 10/2017, China;

8. Wu X.G., He J., Zhao H.L., Liu H., Wang Y.P., Cheng Y. X. Patent title: A fast and useful discriminant method for wild and pond-reared crabseeds of juvenile Eriocheir sinensis (Patent no. ZL201410427927.3), authorized date, 05/2016, China;

9. Wu X.G., Cheng Y. X., Liu Z.J., Yang X.Z., Li G.X. Patent title: A method to predict the spawning of female Portunus trituberculatus (Patent no. ZL200910049845.9), authorized date, 08/2012, China;

10. Wu X.G., Feng L., Cheng Y. X., Liu Z.J. Patent title: A method for the cost-effective fattening of female Portunus trituberculatus (Patent no. ZL201010103283.4), authorized date, 07/2012, China;

11. He J., Wu X.G., Zhao H.L., Liu M.M., Cheng Y. X. Patent title: Using soft turtle control trash fish and improve culture performance of Chinese mitten crab in earth ponds (Patent no. 201510446277.1), authorized date, 12/2017;

12. He J., Wu X.G., Zeng Q.T., Yang X.Z., Zhao H.L., Cheng Y. X. Patent title: The method and device of friendly and efficiently releasing young frogs from culture ponds of juvenile Chinese mitten crab (Patent no. ZL201310405326.8), authorized date, 08/2015. This patent was bought and transferred by industry partner in 2019;

13. He J., Wu X.G., Yang X.Z., Cheng Y. X., Li M., Wang C., Lu Y., Shen C. Patent title: Experimental equipment and its application for measurement of behavioral physiological response of Eriocheir sinensis under environmental stress (Patent no. ZL201310291685), authorized date, 12/2014, China.


VI Major Awards and Honors

Research Awards

1. 01/2022, the second-class prize ofShenzhen Science and Technology Progress Award” from Shenzhen municipal government, for the research achievement: Key Technologies and Industrialization of Precise Nutrition and Environmentally friendly culture of ecological crustacean throughout the whole culture cycle, Provincial level, Xugan is the 3rd winner in this award.

2. 11/2020, the second-class prize ofFanli Science and Technology Award” from of the Chinese Fisheries Society, for the research achievement: Construction and demonstration promotion of ecologically friendly breeding models of Chinese mitten crab, National society level, Xugan is the second winner in this award.

3. 05/2016, the first-class prize ofShanghai Science and Technology Progress Award” from Shanghai municipal government, for the research achievement: The research and extension of key technology for producing high quality crabs based on formulated diets and sustainable culture of Eriocheir sinensis, Xugan is the fourth winner in this award.

4. 2015, the first-class prize ofScience and Technology Progress Award in Shanghai Ocean University” from Shanghai Ocean University, for the research achievement: The research and development of cost-effective formulated diets for Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis, Xugan is the first winner in this award.

5. 2010, the first-class prize of ‘Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Awards’ was awarded by Shanghai municipal government, for the research achievement of The research and extension of key technology for larval breeding and healthy aquaculture of Chinese mitten crab, Xugan is the sixth winner in this award.

6. 2009, the second-class prize of Marine Science and Technology innovation Award of Chinawas awarded by State Oceanic Administration of China for the achievement of ‘Study and application of culture biology knowledge and farming technology of mollusk Onchidium struma, Xugan is the third winner in this award.


Teaching Awards

1. 08/2023, my bachelor students (Xiangping Liu, Tianbiao Zhang, Yining Liu) obtained the third-class prize for 'The 8th National Life Science Competition for Bachelor Students, tutor: Xugan Wu.

2. 09/2021, the first-class prize of “Teaching Achievement Award” from Shanghai Ocean University for the achievement of ‘Construction and Practice of an International Teaching System for Aquaculture discipline under the Background of Internationalization, Xugan is the second winner in this award.

3. 08/2018, my bachelor students (Yilin Lian, Zieng Li, Kaixuan Wu) obtained the second-class prize for 'The 3rd National innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition of College Students’, tutor: Xugan Wu, Bilin Liu.

4. 03/2017, my Ms student (Qizheng Xiao) obtained the special prize for The first Sharing Cup National Innovation Competition of Science and Technology Resource Service for College Students, tutor: Xugan Wu, Yongxu Cheng.

5. 2015, The winner of third prize of The second micro-lecture competition in Shanghai.


Personal Honors

1. 10/2023, World top 2% scientists’ in Fisheries area by Elsevier Data Repository.

2. 10/2020, Excellent Supervisor for Graduate Students’ from Shanghai Ocean University.

3. 10/2018, Shanghai talents development fund”, an award for the young talent ( 40 years) issued by Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

4. 08/2017, The dawning scholar” an award for the young scientist (less than 40 years old) from Shanghai Education Commission and Shanghai Education Development Foundation.

5. 09/2016, “The most popular teacher in Shanghai Ocean University.

6. 10/2008, The winner of “Excellent MSc thesis Award in Shanghai”, from Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.

7. 11/2007, Outstanding Young Teacher Award”, an annual award issued by Shanghai Ocean University.

8. 10/2007, AIMS@JCU PhD Scholarship, a full scholarship from Australian government.

9. 09/2007, The winner of “Star Awards for university junior faculty in Shanghai” (30 years old), an annual award from Shanghai Educational Development Foundation


VII. Contact Information

Postal AddressXugan Wu

Room A323, College of Fisheries and Life Science,

Shanghai Ocean University,

999# Huchenghuan Road, Shanghai, 201306, P.R.China.

Phone: 0086-21-61900417;

E-mailxgwu@shou.edu.cn; wuxugan@hotmail.com



Welcome to Join us for Study, Research and Collaborations!

Anyone who is interested in my research and teaching is very welcome to communicate with me by e-mail/phone and to discuss the potential collaborations. we could support each other and promote the sustainable crustacean aquaculture.


I have several empty positions opening for postdoc and research postgraduates (4 research MSc + 1-2 Ph.D students/year); if you are interested in my research topics and ongoing projects, please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail (xgwu@shou.edu.cn; wuxugan@hotmail.com).




