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范纯新 副教授 |
[1] 鱼类侧线发育和毛细胞再生调控;
[2] 鱼类侧线系统的功能形态研究;
[3] 鲤科鱼类肌尖刺的形成机制。
[1] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:TNFRSF信号对鱼类听-侧线感受器持续生长的特异性调控机制(31772406),2018.1-2021.12
[2] 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金:HDAC1在斑马鱼神经丘毛细胞再生中调控机制的研究(31301929),2014.1-2016.12
[3] 主持上海市教委创新项目:西伯利亚鲟侧线系统发育中神经丘对壶腹电感受器的调控作用,2012.1-2014.12
[4] 主持上海海洋大学教学团队建设项目:鱼类经济性状的发育基础本研一体化教学团队,2018-2019
[5] 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:蓝光诱导近海硬骨鱼类黑色隐蔽伪装色形成的机理(31872546),2019.1-2022.12
[6] 参与国家自然科学基金青年基金:通过检测等位基因表达不平衡现象探索在鲤科鱼类肌肉中保守存在的基因表达顺式调控元件(31702329),2018.1-2020.12
[7] 参与国家自然科学基金青年基金:CO2加富酸化对海水青鳉鱼逃跑行为的神经生理影响(41306097),2014.1-2016.12
[8] 参与国家自然科学基金:甲状腺激素调控比目鱼眼睛移动的细胞分裂信号途径(31072201),2011.1-2013.12
[9] 参与国家自然科学基金:鲀形目鱼类应激行为的神经机理的研究(31172062),2010.1-2012.12
[1] Fan C*, Ouyang Y, Yuan X, Wang J. An enhancer trap zebrafish line for lateral line development and regulation of six2b expression. Gene Expr Patterns. 2022,43:119231.
[2] Yuan X, Qin Y, Wang J, Fan C*. Anisomycin induces hair cell death and blocks supporting cell proliferation in zebrafish lateral line neuromast. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2021,247:109053.
[3] 段钦文, 魏文波, 王建, 范纯新* . stat3通过促进轴突生长间接抑制间神经丘早熟. 基因组学和应用生物学. 2021,1:135-142
[4] 陈团结, 段钦文, 范纯新*. 皮骨在斑马鱼侧线系统胚后发育中的作用. 基因组学和应用生物学. 2021,1:153-158
[5] Wang, J. Lu, C. Zhao, Y. Song, J. Fan C*. Transcriptome profiles of sturgeon lateral lineelectroreceptor and mechanoreceptor during regeneration. BMC Genomics 21, 875 (2020).
[6] Li C, Wang X, Wu J, Zhang X, Fan C, Guo H, Song J. Heterogeneity of neuromasts in a fish without lateral line canals:the pufferfish (Takifugu obscurus) model. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2018, 221:jeb.186163.
[7] Fan C, Zou S, Wang J, Zhang B, Song J*. Neomycin damage and regeneration of hair cells in both mechanoreceptor and electroreceptor lateral line organs of the larval Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii). Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2016, 524(7):1443-1456
[8] Fan C, Wang J, Zhang X, Song J*. Functional C1q is present in the skin mucus of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii). Integrative Zoology, 2015,10(1):102-110
[9] 唐智娇, 范纯新*, 宋佳坤. Hedgehog参与西伯利亚鲟侧线机械和电感受器分化的初始证据. 水生生物学报, 2017, 41(2):1-7
[10] Varshney GK, Carrington B, Pei W, Bishop K, Chen Z, Fan C, Xu L, Jones M, LaFave MC, Ledin J, Sood R, Burgess S*. A high-throughput functional genomics workflow based on CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis in zebrafish. Nature Protocols, 2016, 11(12):2357-2375
[11] 王晓杰, 宋佳坤*, 范纯新等. 海洋酸化对鱼类感觉和行为的影响. 生态毒理学报, 2016, 10(6):23-30
[12] Zhang H, Wang X, Lyu K, Gao S, Wang G, Fan C, Zhang XA, Yan J*. Time point-based integrative analyses of deep-transcriptome identify four signal pathways in blastemal regeneration of zebrafish lower jaw. Stem Cells, 2015, 33(3):806-818
[13] 周婷婷, 范纯新, 邹莎, 宋佳坤*. Eya1-Six1信号在斑马鱼侧线神经丘毛细胞再生过程中的表达.上海海洋大学学报, 2013, 22(6):801-806
[14] 邹莎, 范纯新, 周婷婷, 张昊, 宋佳坤*. Tbx5基因在牙鲆变态初期的表达. 上海海洋大学学报, 2013, 22(5):650-656
[15] Chao Y, Fan C, Liang Y, Gao B, Zhang S*. A novel serpin with antithrombin-like activity in Branchiostoma japonicum: implications for the presence of a primitive coagulation system. PLoS ONE,2012, 7(3):e32392
[16] Zhang X, Song J*, Fan C, Guo H, Wang X, Bleckmann H. Use of electrosense in the feeding behavior of sturgeons. Integrative Zoology, 2012, 7(1):74-82
[17] 张昊, 范纯新, 宋佳坤*. 西伯利亚鲟Tbx3 基因的克隆和表达分析. 动物学研究, 2012, 33(2): 158-164
[18] Zhang X, Herzog H, Song J*, Wang X, Fan C, Guo H. Response properties of the electrosensory neurons in hind-brain of the White Sturgeon, Acipenser tra. Neuroscience Bulletin, 2011, 27(6):422-429
[19] 张旭光, 宋佳坤*, 张国胜, 范纯新, 郭弘艺, 王晓杰. 食蚊鱼的生物电场特征. 水生生物学报, 2011, 5:823-828
[20] 张倩, 宋佳坤*, 郭弘艺, 范纯新, 程生福. 点纹斑竹鲨晚期胚胎侧线系统的研究. 上海海洋大学学报, 2011, 20(1):76-84
[21] 宋炜, 宋佳坤, 范纯新*, 张涛, 王斌. 全人工繁殖西伯利亚鲟的早期胚胎发育. 水产学报, 2010, (05):777-785
[22] Li P, Zhang S*, Fan C. COMMD6 from amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri (BbCOMMD6) interacts with creatine kinase and inhibits its activity. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 2009, 41(12):2459-2465
[23] Fan C, Zhang S*, Li L, Chao Y. Fibrinogen-related protein from amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri is a multivalent pattern recognition receptor with a bacteriolytic activity. Molecular Immunology, 2008, 45(12):3338-3346
[24] Fan C, Zhang S*, Liu Z, Li L, Luan J, Saren G. Identification and expression of a novel class of glutathione-S-transferase from amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri with implications to the origin of vertebrate liver. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 2007, 39(2):450-461
[25] Li L, Zhang S*, Fan C, Liu Z, Luan J. Verification and tissue-specific expression of nifU-like gene from the amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri, DNA Sequence, 2007, 18(5):363-370
[26] Luan J, Zhang S*, Liu Z, Fan C, Ji G, Li L. Characterization, Evolution and Tissue-specific Expression of AmphiCalbin, a Novel Gene Encoding EF-hand Calcium-binding Protein in Amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007,39(11):891-900
[27] Luan J, Liu Z, Zhang S*, Li H, Fan C, Li L. Characterization, Evolution and Expression of the Calmodulin1 Genes from the Amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39(4):255-264
[1] 2012年“鱼类电感觉与机械感受系统的发生、发育和进化的研究”上海海洋大学科技进步奖三等奖,第四完成人
[2] 2009年“肝脏特异性蛋白Vg的免疫功能以及肝脏系统发生”,获教育部自然科学一等奖,第三完成人