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郑国栋 |
郑国栋,男,1987年9月,山东潍坊人,博士,硕士生导师,水产种质与育种系讲师。2018年毕业于上海海洋大学水产养殖专业,获博士学位,同年入选上海市教委师资博士后计划。现为中国水产学会、中国细胞生物学学会会员,《Aquac Res》、《Environ Sci Pollut R》期刊审稿人,培育国家水产新品种1个—团头鲂“浦江2号”(R2)。主持和参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等项目10余项,在国内外主流杂志发表论文40余篇,授权发明专利9项。
[1] 水产动物遗传育种与改良
[2] 鱼类种质资源与苗种繁育
[1] 上海高校青年教师培养资助计划重点推荐项目,2023-2024,主持。
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金:新型抗GCRV系统THVS的构建及其插入位点和关联基因对抗草鱼出血病效果的影响,2020-2023,主持。
[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:基于BSA技术的“鲂鲌”生长优势主控基因的准确定位,2019-2020,主持。
[4] 上海市教委高峰学科开放课题:基于ARTP技术的草鱼耐盐碱关键基因的鉴定,2020-2021,主持。
[5] 上海海洋大学青年教师科研启动基金:耐盐碱草鱼新品系的筛选及示范应用,2022-2023,主持。
[6] 国家重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓科技创新”重点专项子课题:大宗淡水鱼池塘多营养级精准养殖模式,2020-2022,参加,主要成员。
[7] 上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目:鲂鲌杂交不育三倍体的研制及养殖性能研究,2022-2024,参加,主要成员。
[8] 上海市科委建设项目:团头鲂“浦江2号”新品种的研制和推广利用,2018-2021,参加,主要成员。
[1] Guodong Zheng, Baoyu Li, Huiqi Yang, Xiaolei Su, Chengyu Jia, Wendi Xu, Shuming Zou*. Induction of high triploid rate blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) by hydrostatic pressure and analysis of gonadal sterility mechanism. Aquaculture, 2022, Accepted.
[2] Xiaolei Su#, Shanshan Zhao#, Wenjing Xu, Liang Shuang, Guodong Zheng*, Shuming Zou*. Efficiently whole-genomic mutagenesis approach by ARTP in blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). Aquaculture, 2022, 555, 738241.
[3] Shanshan Zhao#, Xiaolei Su#, Rongjia Pan, Liqun Lu, Guodong Zheng*, Shuming Zou*. The transcriptomic responses of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) to acute hypoxia stress alone, and in combination with bortezomib. BMC genomics, 2022, 23, 162:1-15.
[4] Xiaolei Su#, Xin Lin#, Shan-Shan Zhao, Guodong Zheng*, Shuming Zou*. Short-term starvation in Megalobrama amblycephala♀ × (Megalobrama amblycephala♀ × Culter alburnus♂) ♂: Effect on the histology, essential nutrients and flavour components. Aquaculture research, 2022, 53(6):2071-2080.
[5] Zhuxiang Jiang, Meher un Nissa, Zaozao Guo, Yabing Zhang, Guodong Zheng*, ShuMing Zou*. An SNP at the target site of cid-miR-nov-1043 in the TOLLIP 3′ UTR decreases mortality rate in grass carp subjected to ENU-induced mutagenesis following grass carp reovirus infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 120(2022): 451-457.
[6] Meher un Nissa, ZhuXiang Jiang, Guodong Zheng*, ShuMing Zou*. Selection of functional EPHB2 genotype in ENU mutated grass carp response to GCRV by the method of BSA Sequence Analysis. BMC genomics, 2021, 22, 516:1-14.
[7] Chengbin Wu#, Guodong Zheng#, Xinyu Zhao, Sai Zhou, Shuming Zou*. Hypoxia tolerance in a selectively bred F4 population of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) under hypoxic stress. Aquaculture, 2020, 518, 734484.
[8] Yuan Sun#, Guodong Zheng#, Meherun Nissa, Jie Chen, Shuming Zou*. Disruption of mstna and mstnb gene through CRISPR/Cas9 leads to elevated muscle mass in blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). Aquaculture, 2020, 524, 735597.
[9] Guodong Zheng, Xiaolei Su, Wentao, Cui, Shuming Zou*. Optimal dietary protein requirement of juvenile backcross variety, Megalobrama amblycephala♀ × (M. amblycephala♀ × Culter alburnus♂). Aquaculture research, 2020, 52, 3, 1237-1246.
[10] Guodong Zheng, Dandan Guo, Chengbin Wu, Jie Chen, Xiayun Jiang, Shuming Zou*. The obvious heterosis and genetic characters of intergeneric cross and backcross juveniles between blunt snout bream Megalobrama amblycephala and topmouth culter Culter alburnus. Aquaculture research, 2019, 50: 1634-1643.
[11] Guodong Zheng#, Chengbin Wu#, Juan Liu, Jie Chen, Shuming Zou*. Transcriptome analysis provides new insights into the growth superiority of a novel backcross variety, Megalobrama amblycephala♀ × (M. amblycephala♀ × Culter alburnus♂) ♂. Aquaculture, 2019, 512, 734317.
[12] Dandan Guo#, Guodong Zheng#, Shangke Du, Jie Chen, Xiayun Jiang, Shuming Zou*. Identification of duplicated Midkine genes and their functional regulation in blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 2018, 219-220: 26-32.
[13] Honghong Guo#, Guodong Zheng#, Jie Chen, Xiayun Jiang, Shuming Zou*. Comparative analysis of the growth performance and intermuscular bone traits in F1 hybrids of black bream (Megalobrama terminalis)♀ × topmouth culter (Culter alburnus)♂. Aquaculture, 2018, 492: 15-23.
[14] Guodong Zheng, Chenglong Wang, Dandan Guo, Xiayun Jiang, Shuming Zou*. Ploidy Level and performance in meiotic gynogenetic offsprings of grass carp using UV- irradiated blunt snout bream sperm. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2017, 2: 213-219.
[15] Guodong Zheng, Chunxue Zhou, Sitong Lin, Jie Chen, Xiayun Jiang, Shuming Zou*. Two grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 5 genes exhibit different yet conserved functions in development and growth. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 2017, 204: 69-76.
[16] Guodong Zheng, Jie Chen, Xiayun Jiang, Shuming Zou*. Microsatellite records for volume 9, issue 4. Conservation Genetics Resources, 2017, 9: 677-686.
[17] Guodong Zheng, Chengfei Sun, Jie Chen, Xiayun Jiang, Shuming Zou*. Two myostatin genes exhibit divergent and conserved functions in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2015, 214: 68-76.
[18] 郑国栋, 张倩倩, 李福贵, 陈杰, 蒋霞云, 邹曙明*. 团头鲂♀×翘嘴鲌♂杂交后代的遗传特征及生长差异. 中国水产科学, 2015, 22(3): 402-409.
[19] 郑国栋, 陈杰, 蒋霞云, 邹曙明*. 长江草鱼不同群体EST-SSR多态性标记的筛选及其遗传结构分析. 水生生物学报, 2015,39(5): 1003-1011.
[20] 郭洪洪#, 郑国栋#, 吴成宾, 陈杰, 蒋霞云, 邹曙明*. 三角鲂(♀)×翘嘴鲌(♂) 杂种F1代的生长性能及形态差异的比较研究. 水产学报, 2018, 42(10): 1572-1581.
[21] 姜祝祥, 郭早枣, 郑国栋*, 邹曙明*. 草鱼感染GCRV后血液中淋巴细胞变化及BCL10表达分析. 水生生物学报, 2022, 46, 4: 348-354.
[22] 张彦锐, 李宝玉, 郑国栋*, 邹曙明*. 团头鲂浦江2号连续2代雌核发育群体的微卫星遗传结构. 中国水产科学, 2022,29(5):643-652.
[1] 邹曙明, 郑国栋, 王成龙, 陈杰, 蒋霞云. 一种具有生长率高、耐低氧的鲂鲌回交新品系的构建方法(Zl201610274639.8) 发明专利
[2] 邹曙明, 李福贵, 郑国栋, 吴成宾, 陈杰, 蒋霞云. 一种耐低氧团头鲂的构建方法及分析(Zl201610353413.7) 发明专利
[3] 邹曙明, 郑国栋, 王成龙, 吴成宾, 郭丹丹, 陈杰, 蒋霞云. 团头鲂**诱导草鱼减数分裂雌核发育后代的微卫星遗传指纹(Zl201610781217.X) 发明专利
[4] 邹曙明, 郑国栋, 周春雪, 王成龙, 周赛, 徐文迪. 一种与长江水系邗江、瑞昌草鱼生长相关的SNP标记(Zl201811156821.9) 发明专利
[5] 邹曙明, 郑国栋, 李福贵, 陈杰, 吴成宾, 苏晓磊. 一种团头鲂的耐低氧育种方法(Zl201911220188.X) 发明专利
[6] 邹曙明, 郑国栋, 陈杰, 吴成宾, 苏晓磊, 郭丹丹. ELOVL6基因及其应用(Zl201910781932.7) 发明专利
[7] 邹曙明, 郑国栋, 陈杰, 吴成宾, 苏晓磊, 郭丹丹. ELOVL1基因及其应用(Zl201910781759.0) 发明专利
[8] 邹曙明, 王东东, 郑国栋, 陈杰. 团头鲂耐低氧关联SNP位点的单倍型在育种中的应用(CN201910501085.4) 发明专利