温彬 副教授

温彬,男,19878月,山东滨州人,博士,水产养殖系,副教授,硕士生导师。入选东方英才计划青年项目(2023年)、上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划(2019年),2023年、2024年连续两年入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目、中国博士后科学基金、上海市科委和教委等项目。主要从事水产养殖生态与养殖模式、观赏鱼养殖研究,基于自然的解决方案,致力于水产可持续集约化发展。以第一或通讯作者在Environment InternationalJournal of Hazardous MaterialsAquaculture等国际权威期刊发表学术论文50余篇,其中8篇入选全球前1% ESI高被引论文,单篇最高他引400次,授权专利6件,副主编书著2部。兼任iMetaEco-Environment & HealthAgriculture Communications、上海海洋大学学报、渔业科学进展、南方水产科学等学术期刊青年编委。指导的研究生多次荣获国家奖学金、入选首届中国科协青年人才托举工程博士生专项计划,指导多名本科生以第一作者发表高水平论文,并获全国大学生生命科学竞赛特等奖等10余项。

















[1]  国家自然科学基金面上项目(32373134),2024-2027,在研,主持

[2]  上海市东方英才计划青年项目,2024-2026,在研,主持

[3]  国家重点研发计划(2023YFD2400900),大水面生态渔业保护与利用技术,2023-2027,在研,参与

[4]  国家重点研发计划(2023YFD2400504),淡水池塘低碳养殖智慧渔场关键技术与装备,2023-2027,在研,参与

[5]  国家自然科学基金青年项目(31902376),2020-2022,结题,主持

[6]  上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划,2019-2022,结题,主持

[7]  上海高校青年教师培养资助计划,2020-2022,结题,主持

[8]  中国博士后科学基金面上项目 (2017M621433)2017-2018,结题,主持



[51] Jun-Nan Huang, Cong-Cong Gao, Hong-Yu Ren, Bin Wen*, Zhuo-Nan Wang, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen. Multi-omics association pattern between gut microbiota and host metabolism of a filter-feeding fish in situ exposed to microplastics. Environment International 2025, 197: 109360.

[50] Kennedy EmekaAmuneke, Ahmed E. Elshafey, Yuanhao Liu, Jianzhong Gao, Justice Frimpong Amankwah, Bin Wen*, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Impact of Temperature Manipulations on Growth Performance, Body Composition, and Selected Genes of Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio koi). Fishes 2025, 0: 95.

[49] Virakbot Hou, Xuan Zhou, Yan Zhang, Junnan Huang, Dongdong Zhang, Yongchun Lv, Bin Wen*, Fidero Kuoke, Somony Thay, Xugan Wu*. Optimal stocking density of all-male giant freshwater prawn enhanced farming performance and economic profit in rice-prawn co-culture system. Aquaculture 2025, 599: 742112.

[48] Yuan-Hao Liu, Jun-Nan Huang, Bin Wen*, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Comprehensive assessment of three crayfish culture modes: From production performance to environmental sustainability. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 954: 176470.

[47] Jun-Nan Huang, Lei Xu, Bin Wen*, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen. Characteristics and risks of microplastic contamination in aquaculture ponds near the Yangtze Estuary, China. Environmental Pollution 2024, 343: 123288.

[46] Jun-Nan Huang, Lei Xu, Bin Wen*, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Reshaping the plastisphere upon deposition: Promote N2O production through affecting sediment microbial communities in aquaculture pond. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 465: 133290.

[45] Shichen Zhao, Bin Wen*, Hua Liang, Jianzhong Gao, Zaizhong Chen*. Sex-Dependent Lipid Profile Differences in Skin Mucus between Non-Parental and Parental Discus Fish (Symphysodon haraldi) Determined by Lipidomics. Fishes 2024, 9: 27.

[44] Teng-Fei Ma, Jun-Nan Huang, Bin Wen*, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of C-type lectins in discus fish (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) during parental care. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2024, 144: 109291.

[43] Shi-Chen Zhao, Bin Wen*, Jian-zhong Gao, Zai-zhong Chen*. Proteomic analysis revealed gender-related differences in the skin mucus proteome of discus fish (Symphysodon haraldi) during the parental and non-parental care periods. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D Genomics and Proteomics 2024, 52: 101314.

[42] Adekunle David Micah, Bin Wen*, Abdullateef Yusuf, Meriyamoh Mero Onimisi, Samuel Olusegun Adeyemi, Jian‑Zhong Gao, Zai‑Zhong Chen*. Effects of dietary astaxanthin on chromatic, biochemical, and histological characteristics in juvenile blood parrotfish (Vieja melanurus  × Amphilophus citrinellus ♂). Aquaculture International 2024, 32: 5977-5996.

[41] Liu-Jiang Meng, Xin Hu, Bin Wen*, Yuan-Hao Liu, Guo-Zhi Luo, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Microplastics inhibit biofloc formation and alter microbial community composition and nitrogen transformation function in aquaculture. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 866: 161362.

[40] Jun-Nan Huang, Bin Wen*, Xin-Xin Li, Lei Xu, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Astaxanthin mitigates oxidative stress caused by microplastics at the expense of reduced skin pigmentation in discus fish. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 874: 162494.

[39] Jun-Nan Huang, Bo-Tian Yang, Bin Wen*, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Occurrence and characteristics of microplastics contamination in different intensive aquaculture systems nearby the Yangtze Estuary, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2023, 110: 1.

[38] Qin Wang, Bin Wen*, Adekunle David Micah, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Integration of transcriptomics and metabolomics reveals amelanism mechanism of Oscar Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz, 1831). Hydrobiologia 2023, 850: 2275–2298.

[37] Xin Liu, Xiang-Fei Ding, Bin Wen*, Teng-Fei Ma, Qin-Wang, Zhong-Jun Li, Yan-Shen Zhang, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Genome-wide identification and skin expression of immunoglobulin superfamily in discus fish (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) reveal common genes associated with vertebrate lactation. Gene 2023, 862: 147260.

[36] Jun-Nan Huang, Bin Wen*, Lin Miao, Xin Liu, Zhong-Jun Li, Teng-Fei Ma, Lei Xu, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Microplastics drive nitrification by enriching functional microorganisms in aquaculture pond waters. Chemosphere 2022, 309: 136646.

[35] Adekunle David Micah, Bin Wen*, Qin Wang, Yuan Zhang, Abdullateef Yusuf, Nyatchouba Nsangue Bruno Thierry, Olivier Sonagnon Tokpanou, Meriyamoh Mero Onimisi, Samuel Olusegun Adeyemi, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Effect of dietary astaxanthin on growth, body color, biochemical parameters and transcriptome profiling of juvenile blood parrotfish (Vieja melanurus  × Amphilophus citrinellus ♂). Aquaculture Reports 2022, 24: 101142.

[34] Qin Wang, Yan-Shen Zhang, Qi-Lin Peng, Bin Wen*, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen. Distinct skin morphological and transcriptomic profiles between wild and albino Oscar Astronotus ocellatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 2022, 41: 100944.

[33] Qin Wang, Jun-Heng Liu, Bin Wen, Jian-Zhong Gao*, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Gut microbiota communities of reciprocal hybrids from koi (Cyprinus carpio) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) are more similar to koi than goldfish. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2022, 133: 960-971.

[32] Jun-Nan Huang, Yuan Zhang, Lei Xu, Kai-Xuan He, Bin Wen*, Pei-Wen Yang, Jie-Yu Ding, Jing-Ze Li, Huan-Chao Ma, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Microplastics: A tissue-specific threat to microbial community and biomarkers of discus fish (Symphysodon aequifasciatus). Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 424: 127751.

[31] Jun-Nan Huang, Bin Wen*, Lei Xu, Huan-Chao Ma, Xin-Xin Li, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Micro/nano-plastics cause neurobehavioral toxicity in discus fish (Symphysodon aequifasciatus): Insight from brain-gut-microbiota axis. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 421: 126830.

[30] Yuan Zhang, Bin Wen*, Micah Adekunle David, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Comparative analysis of intestinal microbiota of discus fish (Symphysodon haraldi) with different growth rates. Aquaculture 2021, 535: 736740.

[29] Shi-Rong Jin, Lei Wang, Bin Wen*, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Integrating antioxidant responses and oxidative stress of ornamental discus (Symphysodon spp.) to decreased temperatures: Evidence for species-specific thermal resistance. Aquaculture 2021, 535: 736375.

[28] Ying Liu, Yi-Nan Liu, Xiao-Cen Tian, Han-Peng Liu, Bin Wen, Nan Wang,, Jian-Zhong Gao*, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Growth and tissue calcium and phosphorus deposition of juvenile discus fish (Symphysodon haraldi) fed with graded levels of calcium and phosphorus. Aquaculture 2021, 541: 736755.

[27] Liu-Jiang Meng, Yuan Zhang, Bin Wen*, Jun-Heng Liu, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Comparative analysis of bacterial communities of water and intestines of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (H. nobilis) reared in aquaculture pond systems. Aquaculture 2021, 534: 736334.

[26] Yuan Zhang, Bin Wen*, Liu-Jiang Meng, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Dynamic changes of gut microbiota of discus fish (Symphysodon haraldi) at different feeding stages. Aquaculture 2021, 531: 735912.

[25] Yu-Ling Wei, Bin Wen*, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Brain transcriptome analysis reveals genes involved in parental care behaviour in discus fish (Symphysodon haraldi). General and Comparative Endocrinology 2021, 309: 113973.

[24] Bo-Tian Yang, Bin Wen*, Yu Ji, Qin Wang, Hao-Ran Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Comparative metabolomics analysis of pigmentary and structural coloration in discus fish (Symphysodon haraldi). Journal of Proteomics 2021, 233: 104085.

[23] Ming-Yan Ouyang, Xiao-Sa Feng, Xin-Xin Li, Bin Wen*, Jun-Heng Liu, Jun-Nan Huang, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Microplastics intake and excretion: Resilience of the intestinal microbiota but residual growth inhibition in common carp. Chemosphere 2021, 276: 130144.

[22] Ming-Yan Ouyang, Jun-Heng Liu, Bin Wen*, Jun-Nan Huang, Xiao-Sa Feng, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Ecological stoichiometric and stable isotopic responses to microplastics are modified by food conditions in koi carp. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 404: 124121.

[21] Jun-Nan Huang, Bin Wen*, Liu-Jiang Meng, Xin-Xin Li, Mei-Hui Wang, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Integrated response of growth, antioxidant defense and isotopic composition to microplastics in juvenile guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 399: 123044.

[20] Jun-Nan Huang, Bin Wen*, Jian-Guo Zhu, Yan-Shen Zhang, Jian-Zhong Gao, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Exposure to microplastics impairs digestive performance, stimulates immune response and induces microbiota dysbiosis in the gut of juvenile guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Science of the Total Environment 2020, 733: 138929.

[19] Ming‐Yan Ouyang, Bin Wen*, Huan‐Chao Ma, Chen Chen, Jian‐Zhong Gao, Yuan Zhang, Zai‐Zhong Chen*. Minimally invasive evaluation of the anaesthetic efficacy of MS‐222 for ornamental discus fish using skin mucus biomarkers. Aquaculture Research 2020, 51: 2926–2935.

[18] Bin Wen, Jun-Heng Liu, Yuan Zhang, Hao-Ran Zhang, Jian-Zhong Gao*, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Community structure and functional diversity of the plastisphere in aquaculture waters: Does plastic color matter? Science of the Total Environment 2020, 740: 140082.

[17] Bin Wen, Jian-Qiao Zhou, Jian-Zhong Gao*, Hao-Ruo Chen, Yi-Qing Shen, Zai-Zhong Chen*. Sex-dependent changes in the skin mucus metabolome of discus fish (Symphysodon haraldi) during biparental care. Journal of Proteomics 2020, 221: 103784.

[16] Nan Zhang#, Bin Wen#, Lei Wang, Zai-Zhong Chen*, Jian-Zhong Gao*. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the dmrt1 gene from discus fish (Symphysodon aequifasciatus). Aquaculture Research 2019, 50: 1735-1739.

[15] Han-Peng Liu#, Bin Wen#, Zai-Zhong Chen*, Jian-Zhong Gao, Ying Liu, Yi-Ci Zhang, Zi-Xuan Wang, Yue Peng. Effects of dietary vitamin C and vitamin E on the growth, antioxidant defence and digestive enzyme activities of juvenile discus fish (Symphysodon haraldi). Aquaculture Nutrition 2019, 25: 176-183.

[14] Bin Wen, Shi-Rong Jin, Zai-Zhong Chen*, Jian-Zhong Gao. Single and combined effects of microplastics and cadmium on the cadmium accumulation, antioxidant defence and innate immunity of the discus fish (Symphysodon aequifasciatus). Environmental Pollution 2018, 243: 462-471.

[13] Bin Wen, Shi-Rong Jin, Zai-Zhong Chen*, Jian-Zhong Gao*. Physiological responses to cold stress in the gills of discus fish (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) revealed by conventional biochemical assays and GC-TOF-MS metabolomics. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 640: 1372-1381.

[12] Bin Wen, Nan Zhang, Shi-Rong Jin, Zai-Zhong Chen*, Jian-Zhong Gao*, Ying Liu, Han-Peng Liu, Zhe Xu. Microplastics have a more profound impact than elevated temperatures on the predatory performance, digestion and energy metabolism of an Amazonian cichlid. Aquatic Toxicology 2018, 195: 67-76.

[11] Bin Wen, Zai-Zhong Chen*, Xiao-Xiao Zhang, Jian-Zhong Gao*. Dietary protein demand of the juvenile blue discus (Symphysodon haraldi). North American Journal of Aquaculture 2018, 80: 216-222.

[10] Bin Wen, Zaizhong Chen*, Hengchao Qu, Jianzhong Gao*. Growth and fatty acid composition of discus fish Symphysodon haraldi given varying feed ratios of beef heart, duck heart, and shrimp meat. Aquaculture and Fisheries 2018, 3: 84-89.

[9] Bin Wen, Yong-Jun Sun, Qin-Feng Gao, Shuang-Lin Dong, Zai-Zhong Chen, Jian-Zhong Gao. Replacement of dietary macroalgae with corn starch in juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka). Aquaculture Nutrition 2018, 24: 1024-1033.

[8] Bin Wen, Yong-Jun Sun, Qin-Feng Gao, Shuang-Lin Dong, Zai-Zhong Chen, Jian-Zhong Gao. Effects of dietary macroalgae meal and lipid source on growth performance and body wall fatty acid composition of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Aquaculture Research 2018, 49: 776-785.

[7] Bin Wen, Shi-Rong Jin, Zai-Zhong Chen*, Jian-Zhong Gao*, Lei Wang, Ying Liu, Han-Peng Liu. Plasticity of energy reserves and metabolic performance of discus fish (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) exposed to low-temperature stress. Aquaculture 2017, 481: 169-176.

[6] Bin Wen, Yong-Jun Sun, Qin-Feng Gao, Shuang-Lin Dong, Zai-Zhong Chen, Jian-Zhong Gao. Utilization of dietary carbohydrates by sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) as indicated by carbon stable isotope analysis. Aquaculture Research 2017, 48: 6001-6008.

[5] Bin Wen, Qin-Feng Gao, Shuang-Lin Dong, Yi-Ran Hou, Hai-Bo Yu. Utilization of different macroalgae by sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) as revealed by carbon stable isotope analysis. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 2016, 8: 171-178.

[4] Bin Wen, Qin-Feng Gao, Shuang-Lin Dong, Yi-Ran Hou, Hai-Bo Yu, Xuan Xi. Absorption of different macroalgae by sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (selenka): Evidence from analyses of fatty acid profiles. Aquaculture 2016, 451: 421-428.

[3] Bin Wen, Qin-Feng Gao, Shuang-Lin Dong, Yi-Ran Hou, Hai-Bo Yu, We-Dong Li. Effects of different feed ingredients on growth, fatty acid profiles, lipid peroxidation and aminotransferases activities of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka). Aquaculture 2016, 454: 176-183.

[2] Bin Wen, Qin-Feng Gao, Shuang-Lin Dong, Yi-Ran Hou, Hai-Bo Yu, We-Dong Li. Effects of dietary inclusion of benthic matter on feed utilization, digestive and immune enzymes activities of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka). Aquaculture 2016, 458: 1-7.

[1] Bin Wen, Qin-Feng Gao, Shuang-Lin Dong, Yi-Ran Hou, Hai-Bo Yu, We-Dong Li. Uptake of benthic matter by sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka): Insights from carbon stable isotopes and fatty acid profiles. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2016, 474: 46-53.


[7] 何恺轩,温彬*,高建忠,陈再忠。七彩神仙鱼 BTN1A1 基因克隆及其在嗜水气单胞菌胁迫下的表达分析。广东农业科学,20245145-53

[6] 邹奥锟,高建忠,温彬*,陈再忠*。生长异速的七彩神仙鱼生长、碳氮转化和转录组学分析。水产学报,2024

[5] 朱建国,温彬*,成果,高建忠*,陈再忠。丁酸梭菌对七彩神仙鱼生长、形体指标、营养利用和肠道结构功能的影响。水产学报,202448184-193

[4] 李中军,温彬*,马腾飞,刘鑫,高建忠,陈再忠*色七彩神仙鱼虹彩细胞呈色相关基因的发掘水产学报20244842-54

[3] 冯晓飒,温彬*,刘君恒,张源,高建忠,陈再忠*微塑料与多环芳烃菲复合胁迫对七彩神仙鱼稳定同位素和生态化学计量学特征的影响水产学报,2020441742-1751(封面论文)。

[2] 温彬,高勤峰,董双林,宁鲁光。不同水深条件下刺参养殖池塘大型底栖动物群落结构季节性变化特征。生态学报,2016364327-4336

[1] 温彬,高勤峰,张乘,董双林,于海波,李卫东,李泽明。池塘底泥生物组成的季节性变化对刺参食物来源的影响水产学报,2016401724-1731



[7] 温彬,陈永志,李艳,孙静。一种养殖网箱的成鱼捕捞装置,2024-12-24,中国,ZL 2024 2 0965872.0

[6] 温彬,陈永志,李艳,孙静。一种新型智能多功能网箱,2024-11-26,中国,ZL 2024 2 0668002.7

[5] 温彬,李艳,孙静。海洋环境智能监测预报平台及其方法,2024-7-30,中国,ZL 2024 1 0658097.9

[4] 温彬,陈永志,马斌,李艳,陈宗阳,李琼茜。一种深海多功能方形网箱,2019-2-22,中国,ZL2018 2 1114688.6

[3] 温彬,陈永志,马斌,李艳,陈宗阳,李琼茜。一种多功能网箱,2019-2-22,中国,ZL 2018 2 1114694.1

[2] 温彬,陈永志,马斌,李艳,陈宗阳,李琼茜。一种带有太阳能发电系统的深海养殖网箱,2019-2-22,中国,ZL 2018 2 1114679.7

[1] 温彬,陈永志,马斌,李艳,陈宗阳,李琼茜。一种带有太阳能发电的抗风浪圆形网箱,2019-2-22,中国,ZL 2018 2 1114674.4





























