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王伟隆 副教授 |
王伟隆 ︳男 ︳1989.02 ︳博士 ︳研究方向:水产动物营养与饲料
2015/4 – 2018/10 : 日本鹿儿岛大学 农学博士
2012/8 – 2015/3 : 日本鹿儿岛大学 农学硕士
2007/9 – 2012/7 : 大连海洋大学 农学学士
2020/10 – 至今 : 上海海洋大学 副教授硕士生导师
2018/10 – 2020/9 : 上海海洋大学 师资博士后
2016/10 – 至今 :NPO法人国际食育交流与促进协会 理事
[1] 水产动物营养与饲料研究
[2] 类胡萝卜素的营养与代谢
以中国农业农村部《全国渔业发展第十四个五年规划》提出的“坚持以提质增效、绿色发展”为导向,从解决工厂化养殖对虾乏色、味寡、抗病力差等产业问题角度出发,在系统评价了类胡萝卜素在养殖对虾生长、存活、色泽调控、免疫活性和抗逆境能力等方面重要营养生理功能的基础上,深入探究类胡萝卜素在甲壳动物体内代谢转化及转录调控机制。预期结果有助于解决工厂化养殖产业问题、突破发展瓶颈、提高产品质量、促进对虾养殖绿色可持续发展。科研小组围绕“甲壳动物对类胡萝卜素营养需求”方面主持国家自然基金、中国博士后基金面上项目、上海市科技兴农项目等的科研项目3 项,发表相关SCI论文20余篇。研究成果先后在国内外的学术研讨会上与专家进行深度交流与分享,在扩大学术影响力和建立深度合作的同时,也确保研究路线、实验方案和技术手段的合理性和先进性。
[1] 主讲《有机化学》、《水产动物营养与饲料》、《生物饵料培养》等课程;
[2] 承担水产养殖本科专业实习和毕业设计。
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目「凡纳滨对虾体内β-胡萝卜素向虾青素转化的代谢途径研究及功能基因发掘」
[2] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目「对虾体内角黄素向虾青素转化所需关键酶功能基因的发掘」(219724) (主持);
[3] 上海海洋大学青年创新专项「甲壳动物对类胡萝卜素的营养需求」(主持);
[4] 上海市科技兴农项目「基于资源循环利用的凡纳滨对虾生态养殖技术研发与示范」(主要参与);
[5] 福建省水产功能性饲料及养殖环境调控重点实验室开放课题「5种类胡萝卜素对凡纳滨对虾生长、体色、免疫和品质的影响」(FACE20200001)(主持);
[6] 2021全国高校农林类专业微课教学比赛全国三等奖。
[1] Dawood, M.A.O., Koshio, S., Ishikawa, M., Mabrouk, E.S., Yokoyama, S., Wang, W.L., Zhang, Y.K., Olivier, A., 2017. Physiological response, blood chemistry profile and mucus secretion of red sea bream (Pagrus major) fed diets supplemented. with
Lactobacillus rahamnosus under low salinity stress. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 43, 179-192.
[2] Hossain, M.S., Koshio, S., Ishikawa, M., Yokoyama, S., Sony, N.M., Dossou, S., Wang, W.L., 2018. Influence of dietary inosine and vitamin C supplementation on growth, blood chemistry, oxidative stress, innate and adaptive immune responses of red
sea bream, Pagrus major juvenile. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 82, 92-100.
[3] Moss, A.S., Ishikawa, M., Koshio, S., Yokoyama, S., Nhu, T.H., Dawood, M.A.O., Wang, W.L., 2018. Replacement of squid and krill meal by snail meal (Baccinum striatissimum) in practical diets for juvenile of kuruma shrimp (Marsupenaeus japonicus). Aquaculture Research, 49, 3097-3106.
[4] Zaineldin, A.I., Hegazi, S., Koshio, S., Ishikawa, M., Bakr, A., EI Keredy, A.M.S., Dawood, M.A.O., Dossou, S., Wang, W. L., 2018. Bacillus subtilis as probiotic candidate for red sea bream: Growth performance, oxidative status, and immune response traits. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 79, 303-312.
[5] Li, L.Q#., Wang, W.L#., Yusuf, A., Zhu, Y.M., Zhou, Y., Ji, P., Huang, X.X., 2020. Effects of dietary lipid levels on the growth, fatty acid profile and fecundity in the oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense. Aquaculture Research, 51, 1893-1902.
[6] Yan, M.L#., Wang, W.L#., Huang, X.X., Wang, X.L., Wang, Y., 2020. Interactive effects of dietary cholesterol and phospholipids on the growth performance, expression of immune-related genes and resistant against Vibrio alginolyticus in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 97,100-107.
[7] Angela, C#., Wang, W.L#., Lyu, H.Y., Zhou, Y., Huang, X.X., 2020. The effect of dietary supplementation of Astragalus membranaceus and Bupleurum chinense on the growth performance, immune-related enzyme activities and genes expression in white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 107, 379-384.
[8] Wang, W.L., Li, L.Q., Huang, X.X., Zhu, Y.M., Kuang, X.X., Yi, G.F., 2022. Effects of dietary protein levels on the growth, digestive enzyme activity and fecundity in the oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense. Aquaculture Research, 00, 1-9.
[1] Wang, W.L., Ishikawa, M., Koshio, S., Yokoyama, S., Dawood, M.A.O., Zhang, Y.K., 2018. Effects of dietary astaxanthin supplementation on survival, growth and stress resistance in larval and post-larval kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus. Aquaculture research. 49, 2225-2232.
[2] Wang, W.L., M, Ishikawa., S, Koshio., S, Yokoyama., M.S, Hossain., A.S, Moss., 2018. Effects of dietary astaxanthin supplementation on juvenile kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus. 2018. Aquaculture, 491, 197-204.
[3] Wang, W.L., M, Ishikawa., S, Koshio., S, Yokoyama., M.A.O, Dawood., M.S, Hossain., A.S, Moss., 2019. Interactive effects of dietary astaxanthin and cholesterol on the growth, pigmentation, fatty acid analysis, immune response and stress resistance of kuruma shrimp (Marsupenaeus japonicus). Aquaculture Nutrition, 25, 946-958.
[4] Wang, W.L., M, Ishikawa., S, Koshio., S, Yokoyama., M.A.O, Dawood., M.S, Hossain., A.I, Zaineldin., 2019. Effects of dietary astaxanthin and vitamin E and their interactions on the growth performance, pigmentation, digestive enzyme activity of kuruma shrimp (Marsupenaeus japonicus). Aquaculture Research, 50, 1186-1197.
[5] Wang, W.L., Liu, M.T., Fawzy, S., Xue, Y.C., Wu, M.Q., Huang, X.X., Yi, G.F., Lin, Q., 2021. Effect of dietary Phaffia rhodozyma astaxanthin on growth performance, carotenoid analysis, biochemical and immune-physiological parameters, intestinal microbiota, and disease resistance in Penaeus monodon. Frontiers in microbiology, 12, 762689.
[6]Samia, F#., Wang, W.L#., Zhou, Y., Xue, Y.C., Yi, G.F., Wu, M.Q., Huang, X.X., 2022. Can dietary β-carotene supplementation provide an alternative to astaxanthin on the performance of growth, pigmentation, biochemical, and immune-physiological parameters of Litopenaeus vannamei? Aquaculture Reports, 23, 101054.
[7] Samia, F#., Wang, W.L#., Wu, M.Q., Yi, G.F., Huang, X.X., 2022. Effects of dietary different canthaxanthin levels on growth performance, antioxidant capacity, biochemical and immune-physiological parameters of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Aquaculture, 556, 738276.
[8] Wang, W.L., Jiang, D.T., Yi, G.F., Huang, X.X., 2022. An evaluation of replacing soybean meal with proteolytic soybean meal in low-fish-meal-diet on growth performance, expression of immune-related genes and resistance against Vibrio alginolyticus in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Aquaculture Nutrition, 8384917.
[1] Wang, W.L., Lian, Q.P., Chen, Y.G., Hiramatsu, N., Wu, M.Q., 2021. Development and characterization of polyclonal antibodies against subtype specific vitellogenin of the dojo loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. Aquaculture, 532, 736089.
[2] Chen, Y.G#., Wang, W.L#., Zhou, W., Hu, F., Wu, M.Q., 2022. Shifting feeding habits during settlement among small yellow croakers (Larimichthys polyactis). Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 786724.
[3] Si, Y.F., Wang, W.L*., 2022. Presentations by young Chinese aquaculture scientists: From the 2021 China Society of Fisheries- Annual Conference of Youth Scholars. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 53, 794-798.